Version: 2017.3


class in UnityEditor


Inherits from:Editor

Switch to Manual


The Unity Material Editor.

Extend this class to write your own custom material editor. For more detailed information see the Custom Material Editor section of the ShaderLab reference.

Static Variables

kMiniTextureFieldLabelIndentLevelUseful for indenting shader properties that need the same indent as mini texture field.


isVisibleIs the current material expanded.

Public Functions

AwakeCalled when the Editor is woken up.
BeginAnimatedCheckCreates a Property wrapper, useful for making regular GUI controls work with MaterialProperty.
ColorPropertyDraw a property field for a color shader property.
DefaultPreviewGUIDefault handling of preview area for materials.
DefaultPreviewSettingsGUIDefault toolbar for material preview area.
DefaultShaderPropertyHandles UI for one shader property ignoring any custom drawers.
DoubleSidedGIFieldDisplay UI for editing a material's Double Sided Global Illumination setting. Returns true if the UI is indeed displayed i.e. the material supports the Double Sided Global Illumination setting. +See Also: Material.doubleSidedGI.
EmissionEnabledPropertyThis function will draw the UI for controlling whether emission is enabled or not on a material.
EnableInstancingFieldDisplay UI for editing material's render queue setting.
EndAnimatedCheckEnds a Property wrapper started with BeginAnimatedCheck.
FloatPropertyDraw a property field for a float shader property.
GetPropertyHeightCalculate height needed for the property.
GetTexturePropertyCustomAreaReturns the free rect below the label and before the large thumb object field. Is used for e.g. tiling and offset properties.
HasPreviewGUIМожет ли этот компонент быть предпросмотрен в своем текущем состоянии?
HelpBoxWithButtonMake a help box with a message and button. Returns true, if button was pressed.
LightmapEmissionFlagsPropertyDraws the UI for setting the global illumination flag of a material.
LightmapEmissionPropertyThis function will draw the UI for the lightmap emission property. (None, Realtime, baked)See Also: MaterialLightmapFlags.
OnDisableCalled when the editor is disabled, if overridden please call the base OnDisable() to ensure that the material inspector is set up properly.
OnEnableCalled when the editor is enabled, if overridden please call the base OnEnable() to ensure that the material inspector is set up properly.
OnInspectorGUIImplement specific MaterialEditor GUI code here. If you want to simply extend the existing editor call the base OnInspectorGUI () before doing any custom GUI code.
OnPreviewGUICustom preview for Image component.
PropertiesChangedWhenever a material property is changed call this function. This will rebuild the inspector and validate the properties.
PropertiesDefaultGUIDefault rendering of shader properties.
PropertiesGUIRender the standard material properties. This method will either render properties using a IShaderGUI instance if found otherwise it uses PropertiesDefaultGUI.
RangePropertyDraw a range slider for a range shader property.
RegisterPropertyChangeUndoCall this when you change a material property. It will add an undo for the action.
RenderQueueFieldDisplay UI for editing material's render queue setting.
RequiresConstantRepaintDoes this edit require to be repainted constantly in its current state?
SetDefaultGUIWidthsSet EditorGUIUtility.fieldWidth and labelWidth to the default values that PropertiesGUI uses.
SetShaderSet the shader of the material.
ShaderPropertyHandes UI for one shader property.
TextureCompatibilityWarningChecks if particular property has incorrect type of texture specified by the material, displays appropriate warning and suggests the user to automatically fix the problem.
TexturePropertyDraw a property field for a texture shader property.
TexturePropertyMiniThumbnailDraw a property field for a texture shader property that only takes up a single line height.
TexturePropertySingleLineMethod for showing a texture property control with additional inlined properites.
TexturePropertyTwoLinesMethod for showing a compact layout of properties.
TexturePropertyWithHDRColorMethod for showing a texture property control with a HDR color field and its color brightness float field.
TextureScaleOffsetPropertyDraws tiling and offset properties for a texture.
VectorPropertyDraw a property field for a vector shader property.

Protected Functions

OnShaderChangedA callback that is invoked when a Material's Shader is changed in the Inspector.

Static Functions

ApplyMaterialPropertyDrawersApply initial MaterialPropertyDrawer values.
FixupEmissiveFlagReturns a properly set global illlumination flag based on the passed in flag and the given color.
GetDefaultPropertyHeightCalculate height needed for the property, ignoring custom drawers.
GetFlexibleRectBetweenFieldAndRightEdgeUtility method for GUI layouting ShaderGUI. Used e.g for the rect after a left aligned Color field.
GetFlexibleRectBetweenLabelAndFieldUtility method for GUI layouting ShaderGUI.
GetLeftAlignedFieldRectUtility method for GUI layouting ShaderGUI.
GetMaterialPropertiesGet shader property information of the passed materials.
GetMaterialPropertyGet information about a single shader property.
GetRectAfterLabelWidthUtility method for GUI layouting ShaderGUI. This is the rect after the label which can be used for multiple properties. The input rect can be fetched by calling: EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect.
GetRightAlignedFieldRectUtility method for GUI layouting ShaderGUI.

Inherited members


serializedObject SerializedObject, представляющий инспектируемый объект или объекты.
targetИнспектируемый объект.
targetsМассив всех инспектируемых объектов.
hideFlagsShould the object be hidden, saved with the scene or modifiable by the user?
nameThe name of the object.

Public Functions

DrawDefaultInspectorВызывает отрисовку встроенного инспектора.
DrawHeaderВызывайте эту функцию для отрисовки заголовка редактора.
DrawPreviewЭто первая входная точка для рисования области предпросмотра.
GetInfoStringРеализуйте этот метод, чтобы показать информацию об ассете поверх предпросмотра ассета.
GetPreviewTitleПереопределите этот метод, если вы хотите изменить название области предпросмотра (preview).
OnInteractivePreviewGUIРеализуйте, чтобы создать ваш собственный интерактивный предпросмотр. Интерактивные предпросмотры используются в области предпросмотра окна Inspector и при выборе объекта.
OnPreviewSettingsПереопределите этот метод, если вы хотите показать пользовательские элементы в заголовке предпросмотра.
RenderStaticPreviewПереопределите этот метод, если вы хотите отрисовать статический предпросмотр для показа.
RepaintПерерисовывает все инспекторы, которые отображает этот редактор.
UseDefaultMarginsПереопределите этот метод в подклассах и возвращайте false, если вы не хотите отступы по умолчанию.
GetInstanceIDReturns the instance id of the object.
ToStringReturns the name of the GameObject.

Protected Functions

ShouldHideOpenButtonReturns the visibility setting of the "open" button in the Inspector.

Static Functions

CreateCachedEditorOn return previousEditor is an editor for targetObject or targetObjects. The function either returns if the editor is already tracking the objects, or Destroys the previous editor and creates a new one.
CreateCachedEditorWithContextCreates a cached editor using a context object.
CreateEditorСоздает пользовательский редактор для obj или objects.
CreateEditorWithContextMake a custom editor for targetObject or targetObjects with a context object.
DestroyУдаляет GameObject, Component или Asset.
DestroyImmediateDestroys the object obj immediately. You are strongly recommended to use Destroy instead.
DontDestroyOnLoadMakes the object target not be destroyed automatically when loading a new scene.
FindObjectOfTypeReturns the first active loaded object of Type type.
FindObjectsOfTypeReturns a list of all active loaded objects of Type type.
InstantiateClones the object original and returns the clone.
CreateInstanceCreates an instance of a scriptable object.


boolDoes the object exist?
operator !=Compares if two objects refer to a different object.
operator ==Compares two object references to see if they refer to the same object.


OnSceneGUIПозволяет редактору обрабатывать события в области просмотра сцены.
OnDestroyThis function is called when the scriptable object will be destroyed.