Version: 2022.1
언어: 한국어


struct in UnityEngine.Rendering

매뉴얼로 전환


Culling context for a batch.

Specifies the data required to perform culling. See Also: OnPerformCulling.


cullingLayerMaskThe cullingLayerMask value of the object from which the culling is invoked. The draw command is discarded by the internal culling if the expression (1 << layer) & cullingLayerMask is false. Using this field is optional, use it for performance or other optimization purposes.
cullingMatrixCulling matrix.
cullingPlanesPlanes to cull against.
cullingSplitsThe array of CullingSplit structs.
isOrthographicTrue if the view is orthographic.
localToWorldMatrixLocal to world matrix.
lodParametersSee Also: LODParameters.
receiverPlaneCountThe number of receiver planes.
receiverPlaneOffsetThe index of the first receiver plane in the BatchCullingContext.cullingPlanes array.
sceneCullingMaskUse this bit mask to discard the draw commands in a particular context. A draw command is not discarded if the expression (1 << layer) & sceneCullingMask is true. This field is typically used when rendering Editor previews.
viewIDThe ID of the object from which the culling is invoked. Usage example: store culling-related data for each object.
viewTypeThe type of the view from which the culling is invoked. Usage examples: skip culling, take different culling paths depending on the view type, etc.