Scripting API
Versions with this page:
Versions without this page:
Scripting API
Versions with this page:
Versions without this page:
Unity User Manual (2018.2)
Documentation versions
Switching between Unity versions in the documentation
Offline documentation
Documentation editorial review
Working in Unity
Getting Started
Unity Hub
Installing Unity using the Hub
Adding components to the Unity Editor
Installing Unity without the hub
Installing Unity offline without the Hub
Unity Hub advanced deployment considerations
2D или 3D проекты
Project Templates
Starting Unity for the first time
The Learn tab
Opening existing Projects
Learning the interface
Asset Workflow (работа с ассетами)
Common types of Assets
Primitive and placeholder objects
Asset packages
Using the Asset Store
The Main Windows
The Project window
The Scene view
Навигация в окне Scene
Positioning GameObjects
Scene view Control Bar
Gizmos menu
The Game view
The Inspector window
Assigning icons
Редактирование свойств
Swatch libraries
Настройки инспектора
Панель инструментов
Other windows
Customizing Your Workspace (Настройка рабочего пространства)
Unity hotkeys
Создание геймплея.
Introduction to components
Использование компонентов
Creating components with scripting
Отключение Игровых Объектов (GameObjects)
Static GameObjects
Префабы (Prefabs)
Создание экземпляров префабов во время работы приложения
Saving Your Work
Традиционный игровой ввод
Ввод на мобильном устройстве
Мобильная клавиатура
Aim Constraints
Look At Constraints
Parent Constraints
Position Constraints
Rotation Constraints
Scale Constraints
Rotation and Orientation in Unity
Источники света
Добавление случайных элементов в игру
Cross-Platform Considerations
Публикация сборок
Editor Features
Настройки 2D и 3D режимов
Preferences (Настройки редактора)
Build Settings
Project Settings
Input Manager
Tags and Layers
Audio Manager
Time Manager
Настройки проигрывателя
Splash Screen
Physics Manager
Менеджер 2D физики (Physics 2D Manager)
Настройки Качества
Graphics Settings
Менеджер сети (Network Manager)
Editor Settings
Настройка порядка выполнения скриптов
Preset Manager
Visual Studio C# integration
RenderDoc Integration
Editor Analytics
Проверка обновлений
IME в Unity
Специальные Папки Проекта
Exporting Packages
Version Control
Version control integration
Интеграция с Perforce
Интеграция с Plastic SCM
Using external version control systems with Unity
Smart Merge
Решение проблем в редакторе
Advanced Development
Profiler overview
Profiler window
Область CPU Usage
Область Rendering
Область Memory
Область Audio
Профайлер физики
GPU Profiler
Global Illumination Profiler
UI Profiler
Multi-Scene editing
Загрузка ресурсов в реальном времени
Plugin Inspector
Managed Plugins
Native Plugins
Сборка плагинов для настольных платформ
Low-level Native Plugin Interface
Low-level native plugin rendering extensions
Low-level native plugin Shader compiler access
AssetBundle Workflow
Preparing Assets for AssetBundles
Building AssetBundles
AssetBundle Dependencies
Using AssetBundles Natively
AssetBundle Manager
Patching with AssetBundles
Unity Asset Bundle Browser tool
Reducing the file size of your build
Social API
JSON Serialization
Streaming Assets
Advanced Editor Topics
Сборка системы приложения
Command line arguments
Batch mode and built-in coroutine compatibility
Applying defaults to assets by folder
Support for custom Menu Item and Editor features
За кулисами
Text-Based Scene Files
Описание Формата
Пример YAML файла сцены
Список ID классов YAML
Cache Server
Изменение исходных ассетов из кода
Расширение редактора
Окна редактора (Editor Windows)
Property Drawers
Пользовательские редакторы (Custom Editors)
Выполнение Editor скриптов при запуске редактора Unity
Licenses and Activation
Online activation
Offline / Manual Activation
Managing your License
Activation FAQ
Upgrade Guides
Использование автоматического обновления API
Upgrading to Unity 2018.2
Upgrading to Unity 2018.1
Upgrading to Unity 2017.3
Upgrading to Unity 2017.2
Upgrading to Unity 2017.1
Upgrading to Unity 5.6
Upgrading to Unity 5.5
Upgrading to Unity 5.4
5.4 Networking API Changes
Upgrading to Unity 5.3
Upgrading to Unity 5.2
Upgrading to Unity 5.0
AI in Unity 5.0
Animation in Unity 5.0
Audio in Unity 5.0
Baked Data in Unity 5.0
Plugins in Unity 5.0
Physics in Unity 5.0
Shaders in Unity 5.0
Other Upgrade Notes for Unity 5.0
Руководство по обновлению до Unity 4.0
Обновление до Unity 3.5
Model import workflows
Importing humanoid animations
Importing non-humanoid animations
Model Import Settings window
Model tab
Rig tab
Avatar Mapping tab
Avatar Muscle & Settings tab
Avatar Mask window
Human Template window
Animation tab
Euler curve resampling
Extracting animation clips
Loop optimization on Animation clips
Material tab
SketchUp Settings
Model file formats
Limitations when importing from other applications
Exporting from other applications
Humanoid Asset preparation
Геймплей в 2D
Sprite Renderer
Sprite Creator
Sprite Editor
Sprite Editor: Custom Outline
Sprite Editor: Custom Physics Shape
Упаковщик спрайтов (Sprite Packer)
Sorting Group
9-slicing Sprites
Sprite Masks
Sprite Atlas
Tile Assets
Tilemap Renderer
Creating Tiles
Creating Tilemaps
Tilemap Palette
Painting on Tilemaps
Hexagonal Tilemaps
Tilemap Collider 2D
Scriptable Tiles
Other useful classes
Scriptable Tile example
Scriptable Brushes
Other useful classes
Scriptable Brush example
Physics Reference 2D
Rigidbody 2D
Collider 2D
Circle Collider 2D (Круговой коллайдер)
Box Collider 2D (Прямоугольный коллайдер)
Polygon Collider 2D
Edge Collider 2D
Capsule Collider 2D
Composite Collider 2D
Физический 2D материал
2D Joints
Distance Joint 2D
Fixed Joint 2D
Friction Joint 2D
Hinge Joint 2D
Relative Joint 2D
Slider Joint 2D
Spring Joint 2D
Target Joint 2D
Wheel Joint 2D
Constant Force 2D
Effectors 2D
Area Effector 2D
Buoyancy Effector 2D
Point Effector 2D
Platform Effector 2D
Surface Effector 2D
Обзор графических возможностей
Lighting overview
Lighting Window
Light Explorer
Light sources
Types of light
The Light Inspector
Using Lights
Directional light shadows
Global Illumination
Using precomputed lighting
LOD and Realtime GI
Progressive Lightmapper
Lightmapping: Getting started
Lightmap seam stitching
UV overlap feedback
Custom fall-off
Lightmap Parameters
Baked ambient occlusion
LOD for baked lightmaps
Light Probes
Light Probes: Technical information
Placing Light Probes
Placing probes using scripting
Light Probes for moving objects
Light Probes and the Mesh Renderer
Light Probe Proxy Volume component
Reflection probes
Types of Reflection Probe
Using Reflection Probes
Продвинутые возможности Reflection Probes
Reflection probe performance and optimisation
Lighting Modes
Lighting: Technical information and terminology
Real-time lighting
Mixed lighting
Baked Indirect mode
Shadowmask mode
Distance Shadowmask
Subtractive mode
Baked lighting
GI visualizations in the Scene view
Lighting Data Asset
Lightmap Directional Modes
Lightmaps: Technical information
Material properties and the GI system
Global Illumination UVs
Importing UVs from Maya to Unity
Generating Lightmap UVs
GI cache
Light troubleshooting and performance
Related topics
Linear rendering overview
Linear or gamma workflow
Gamma Textures with linear rendering
Working with linear Textures
Using more than one camera
Трюки с камерой
Основные сведения об усечённой пирамиде видимости (View Frustum)
Размер усечённой пирамиды на данном расстоянии от камеры
Dolly Zoom (эффект "Trombone")
Лучи из камеры
Использование наклонной пирамиды видимости (Oblique Frustum)
Создание ощущения больших и маленьких размеров
Окно Occlusion Culling
Dynamic resolution
Materials, Shaders & Textures
Creating and Using Materials
Standard Shader
Content and Context
Metallic vs Specular Workflow
Material parameters
Rendering Mode
Albedo Color and Transparency
Specular mode: Specular parameter
Metallic mode: Metallic Parameter
Normal map (Bump mapping)
Occlusion Map
Secondary Maps (Detail Maps) & Detail Mask
The Fresnel Effect
Material charts
Make your own
Standard Particle Shaders
Physically Based Rendering Material Validator
Accessing and Modifying Material parameters via script
Writing Shaders
Legacy Shaders
Использование и производительность встроенных шейдеров
Семейство шейдеров нормалей (Normal Shader Family)
Рассеивание (Diffuse)
Рельефное рассеивание (Bumped Diffuse)
Рельефная зеркальность (Bumped Specular)
Параллаксное рассеивание (Parallax Diffuse)
Parallax Bumped Specular
Деколь (Decal)
Детальное рассеивание (Diffuse Detail)
Семейство Transparent шейдеров
Transparent Vertex-Lit
Transparent Diffuse
Transparent Specular
Transparent Bumped Diffuse
Transparent Bumped Specular
Transparent Parallax Diffuse
Transparent Parallax Specular
Семейство Transparent Cutout шейдеров
Transparent Cutout Vertex-Lit
Transparent Cutout Diffuse
Transparent Cutout Specular
Transparent Cutout Bumped Diffuse
Transparent Cutout Bumped Specular
Семейство Self-Illuminated шейдеров
Self-Illuminated Vertex-Lit
Self-Illuminated Diffuse
Self-Illuminated Specular
Self-Illuminated Normal mapped Diffuse
Self-Illuminated Normal mapped Specular
Self-Illuminated Parallax Diffuse
Self-Illuminated Parallax Specular
Семейство отражающих (reflective) шейдеров
Reflective Vertex-Lit
Reflective Diffuse
Reflective Specular
Reflective Bumped Diffuse
Reflective Bumped Specular
Reflective Parallax Diffuse
Reflective Parallax Specular
Reflective Normal Mapped Unlit
Reflective Normal mapped Vertex-lit
Video overview
Video Player component
Video Clips
Video sources
Video file compatibility
Understanding video files
Video transparency support
Panoramic video
Ландшафтный движок
Creating and editing Terrains
Инструменты для изменения высоты
Terrain Textures
Зоны ветра
Grass and other details
Terrain settings
Tree Editor
Создание вашего первого дерева
Основы Tree Creator'а
Branch Group Properties
Свойства Leaf Group
Tree - Wind Zones
Системы Частиц
What is a Particle System?
Использование систем частиц в Unity
Particle System How-Tos
A Simple Explosion
Exhaust Smoke from a Vehicle
Particle System vertex streams and Standard Shader support
Particle System GPU Instancing
Post-processing overview
Post-processing stack
Setting up the post-processing stack
Ambient Occlusion
Screen Space Reflection
Depth of Field
Motion Blur
Eye Adaptation
Color Grading
User LUT
Chromatic Aberration
Debug Views
Writing post-processing effects
Расширенные возможности рендеринга
Визуализация HDR (расширенный динамический диапазон) в Unity
HDR color picker
Способы рендеринга
Level of Detail (LOD)
Graphics API support
OpenGL Core
Compute shaders
Graphics Command Buffers
GPU instancing
Делимые текстуры (Sparse Textures)
Возможности графического оборудования и эмуляция
CullingGroup API
Asynchronous Texture Upload
Procedural Mesh Geometry
Анатомия мешей
Using the Mesh Class
Пример - создание плоскости-биллборда
Оптимизация производительности графики
Моделирование персонажей для оптимальной производительности
Окно Rendering Statistics
Frame Debugger
Optimizing Shader Load Time
Определение столкновений с учётом слоёв.
Справка по графическим возможностям
Справочник по камерам
Flare Layer
GUI Layer
Shader Reference
Writing Surface Shaders
Примеры поверхностных шейдеров
Custom lighting models in Surface Shaders
Surface Shader lighting examples
Поверхностные шейдеры с использованием тесселяции DX11
Программирование вершинных и фрагментных (пиксельных) шейдеров
Примеры вершинных и фрагментных шейдеров
Shader semantics
Accessing shader properties in Cg/HLSL
Providing vertex data to vertex programs
Встроенные подключаемые файлы для шейдеров
Стандартные шейдерные предпроцессорные макросы
Built-in shader helper functions
Built-in shader variables
Создание программ с несколькими вариантами шейдеров
GLSL Shader programs
Shading Language used in Unity
Shader Compilation Target Levels
Shader data types and precision
Using sampler states
Синтаксис ShaderLab: Shader
Синтаксис ShaderLab: свойства
Синтаксис ShaderLab: SubShader
Синтаксис ShaderLab: Pass
ShaderLab: Culling & Depth Testing
Синтаксис ShaderLab: Blending
Синтаксис ShaderLab: тэги Pass
Синтаксис ShaderLab: Stencil
Синтаксис ShaderLab: Name
Синтаксис ShaderLab: цвет, материал, освещение
ShaderLab: Legacy Texture Combiners
Синтакс ShaderLab: Альфа тестинг (Alpha testing)
Синтаксис ShaderLab: туман
Синтаксис ShaderLab: BindChannels
Синтаксис ShaderLab: UsePass
Синтаксис ShaderLab: GrabPass
ShaderLab: SubShader Tags
Синтаксис ShaderLab: Fallback
#Синтаксис ShaderLab: CustomEditor
Синтаксис ShaderLab: другие команды
Shader assets
Расширенные возможности ShaderLab
Unity's Rendering Pipeline
Performance tips when writing shaders
Rendering with Replaced Shaders
Custom Shader GUI
Использование текстур глубины
Текстура глубины камеры
Особенности рендеринга различных платформ
Уровень детализации шейдера (Level Of Detail)
Texture arrays
Debugging DirectX 11/12 shaders with Visual Studio
Debugging DirectX 12 shaders with PIX
Implementing Fixed Function TexGen in Shaders
Particle Systems reference
Particle System
Particle System modules
Particle System Main module
Emission module
Particle System Shape Module
Velocity over Lifetime module
Noise module
Limit Velocity Over Lifetime module
Inherit Velocity module
Force Over Lifetime module
Color Over Lifetime module
Color By Speed module
Size over Lifetime module
Size by Speed module
Rotation Over Lifetime module
Rotation By Speed module
External Forces module
Collision module
Triggers module
Sub Emitters module
Texture Sheet Animation module
Lights module
Trails module
Custom Data module
Renderer module
Системы частиц (Более старая система, используемая до версии 3.5)
Ellipsoid Particle Emitter (Устаревшее)
Излучатель частиц меша (Mesh Particle Emitter) - старое
Аниматор частиц-Particle Animator (Устаревшее)
Рендерер частиц-Particle Renderer (устаревшее)
World Particle Collider (устаревший)
Справка по Визуальным Эффектам
Блик (Lens Flare)
Рендер линии (Line Renderer)
Trail Renderer
Billboard Renderer
Billboard Asset
Mesh Components
Меш фильтр (Mesh Filter)
Mesh Renderer
Skinned Mesh Renderer
Текстовый меш
Ассет текста (Text Asset)
Шрифт (Font)
Текстурные компоненты
Importing Textures
Texture Types
Texture compression formats for platform-specific overrides
Render Texture
Custom Render Textures
Movie Textures
3D Текстуры
Texture arrays
Компоненты рендеринга
Зона отсечения (Occlusion Area)(Pro версия)
Порталы отсечений (Occlusion Portals)
Reflection Probe
LOD Группа
Rendering Pipeline Details
Deferred shading rendering path
Детали упреждающего типа рендеринга
Способ рендеринга отложенного освещения
Подробности способа рендеринга вершинного освещения
Системные требования графических функций Unity
Подборка уроков по графике
How do I Import Alpha Textures?
Как я могу создать Skybox?
Как сделать эмиттер частиц в форме меша (Устаревшая система частиц)
Как добавить Spot Light Cookie (Cookie текстура для Точечного Источника Света)?
Как мне исправить вращение импортированной модели?
Water in Unity
Art Asset best practice guide
Importing models from 3D modeling software
How to do Stereoscopic Rendering
Уроки по графике
Shaders: ShaderLab and fixed function shaders
Shaders: vertex and fragment programs
Scriptable Render Pipeline
Обзор физики
Rigidbodies (твёрдые тела)
Коллайдеры (Colliders)
Сочленения (Joints)
Контроллеры персонажа (Character Controllers)
Physics Debug Visualization
Справка по 3D физике
Box Collider
Capsule Collider
Character Controller
Character Joint
Configurable Joint
Constant Force (постоянная сила)
Fixed Joint
Hinge Joint
Меш-коллайдер (Mesh Collider)
Rigidbody (Твердое тело)
Sphere Collider
Spring Joint
Wheel Collider
Terrain Collider
Физический материал (Physics Material)
Руководства по физике
Мастер Ragdoll
Joint and Ragdoll stability
Wheel Collider Tutorial
Обзор Скриптинга
Создание и Использование Скриптов
Variables and the Inspector
Controlling GameObjects using components
Функции событий
Time and Framerate Management
Создание и уничтожение игровых объектов (GameObjects)
Пространства имён
Порядок выполнения функций событий
Понимание автоматического управления памятью
Platform dependent compilation
Специальные папки и порядок компиляции скриптов
Script compilation and assembly definition files
.NET profile support
Referencing additional class library assemblies
Stable scripting runtime: known limitations
Generic Functions
Scripting restrictions
Script Serialization
Built-in serialization
Custom serialization
Script serialization errors
Unity События (UnityEvents)
What is a Null Reference Exception?
Important Classes
Рецепты использования векторов
Понимание векторной арифметики
Направление и расстояние от одного объекта до другого.
Вычисление нормали/перпендикуляра
Величина одного вектора, лежащая в направлении другого вектора
Инструменты Скриптинга
Окно консоли
Файлы логов
Unity Test Runner
Writing and executing tests in Unity Test Runner
Building a project using IL2CPP
Compiler options
Windows Runtime support
How IL2CPP works
Optimizing IL2CPP build times
Managed bytecode stripping with IL2CPP
Integrated development environment (IDE) support
Debugging C# code in Unity
Система событий (EventSystem)
Messaging System
Модули ввода
Supported Events
Трассировщики лучей (Raycasters)
Справка по системе событий
Event System Manager
Graphic Raycaster
Physics Raycaster
Physics 2D Raycaster
Standalone Input Module
Touch Input Module
Event Trigger
C# Job System
C# Job System Overview
What is multithreading?
What is a job system?
The safety system in the C# Job System
Creating jobs
Scheduling jobs
JobHandle and dependencies
ParallelFor jobs
ParallelForTransform jobs
C# Job System tips and troubleshooting
Multiplayer and Networking
Multiplayer Overview
Setting up a multiplayer project
Using the Network Manager
Using the Network Manager HUD
The Network Manager HUD in LAN mode
The Network Manager HUD in Matchmaker mode
Converting a single-player game to Unity Multiplayer
Debugging Information
The Multiplayer High Level API
Networking HLAPI System Concepts
Networked GameObjects
Player GameObjects
Custom Player Spawning
Spawning GameObjects
Custom Spawn Functions
Network Authority
State synchronization
Advanced State Synchronization
Network visibility
Customizing network visibility
Scene GameObjects
Actions and communication
Remote Actions
Network Manager callbacks
NetworkBehaviour callbacks
Network Messages
Dealing with clients and servers
Network clients and servers
Host Migration
Network Discovery
Multiplayer Lobby
Using the Transport Layer API
NetworkReader and NetworkWriter serializers
Setting up Unity Multiplayer
Integrating the Multiplayer Service
Integration using the HUD
Integration using Unity's High-Level API
Integration using NetworkTransport
Common Errors
Customized Matchmaking callbacks
Сетевые соединения на мобильных устройствах.
Multiplayer Component Reference
Network Animator
Network Discovery
Network Identity
Network Lobby Manager
Network Lobby Player
Network Manager HUD
Network Manager
Network Proximity Checker
Network Transform
Network Transform Child
Network Transform Visualizer
Multiplayer Classes Reference
Common operations: using the HLAPI
Retrieving text or binary data from an HTTP Server (GET)
Retrieving a Texture from an HTTP Server (GET)
Downloading an AssetBundle from an HTTP server (GET)
Sending a form to an HTTP server (POST)
Uploading raw data to an HTTP server (PUT)
Advanced operations: Using the LLAPI
Creating UnityWebRequests
Creating UploadHandlers
Creating DownloadHandlers
Аудио. Обзор.
Аудио файлы
Трекерные модули
Audio Mixer
An overview of the concepts and AudioMixer
Specifics on the AudioMixer window
AudioGroup Inspector
Overview of Usage and API
Native Audio Plugin SDK
Audio Spatializer SDK
Audio Profiler
Ambisonic Audio
Справочник по аудио
Audio Clip
Audio Listener
Audio Source
Audio Mixer
Аудио эффекты (только для Pro версии)
Audio Low Pass Filter (только для Unity Pro)
Audio High Pass Filter
Audio Echo Filter (только для Unity Pro)
Audio Distortion Filter (только для Unity Pro)
Audio Reverb Filter (только для Unity Pro)
Audio Chorus Filter (только для Unity Pro)
Audio Effects
Audio Low Pass Effect
Audio High Pass Effect
Audio Echo Effect
Audio Flange Effect
Audio Distortion Effect
Audio Normalize Effect
Audio Parametric Equalizer Effect
Audio Pitch Shifter Effect
Audio Chorus Effect
Audio Compressor Effect
Audio SFX Reverb Effect
Audio Low Pass Simple Effect
Audio High Pass Simple Effect
Reverb Zones
Audio Settings
Animation System Overview
Анимационные клипы
Animation from external sources
Humanoid Avatars
Руководство по Animation Window
Using the Animation view
Creating a New Animation Clip
Animating a GameObject
Using Animation Curves
Редактирование кривых
Key manipulation in Dopesheet mode
Key manipulation in Curves mode
Объекты с множеством двигающихся частей
Using Animation Events
Animator Controllers (контроллеры аниматоров)
Аниматор и контроллер аниматора
The Animator Window
Конечные автоматы в анимации
State Machine Basics
Параметры анимации
State Machine Transitions
State Machine Behaviours
Вложенные конечные автоматы
Слои анимации
Функциональность Solo и Mute
Target Matching
Инверсная кинематика (только для Pro версий)
Root Motion - как оно работает
Туториал: Скриптинг Root Motion для гуманоидных "in-place" анимаций.
Blend Trees (Деревья смешивания)
Одномерное смешивание
Двумерное смешивание
Direct Blending
Дополнительные опции Blend Tree (Древа смешивания)
Применение Blend Shapes (форм смешивания) для анимации
Animator Override Controllers
Переназначение гуманоидных анимаций
Performance and optimization
Animation Reference
Animator Component
Animator Controller
Создание Контроллера Аниматора
Состояния анимации
Animation transitions
Кривые анимации и события
Playables API
The PlayableGraph
ScriptPlayable and PlayableBehaviour
Playables Examples
Словарь терминов анимации и Mecanim.
Timeline overview
Timeline workflows
Creating a Timeline Asset and Timeline instance
Recording basic animation with an Infinite clip
Converting an Infinite clip to an Animation clip
Creating humanoid animation
Using Animation Override Tracks and Avatar Masking
Timeline Editor window
Timeline Preview and Timeline Selector
Timeline Playback Controls
Track List
Adding tracks
Selecting tracks
Duplicating tracks
Deleting tracks
Locking tracks
Muting tracks
Reordering tracks and rendering priority
Organizing tracks into Track groups
Hiding and showing Track groups
Clips view
Navigating the Clips view
Adding clips
Selecting clips
Positioning clips
Tiling clips
Duplicating clips
Trimming clips
Splitting clips
Resetting clips
Changing clip play speed
Setting gap extrapolation
Easing-in and Easing-out clips
Blending clips
Matching clip offsets
Curves view
Hiding and showing curves
Navigating the Curves view
Selecting keys
Adding keys
Editing keys
Changing interpolation and shape
Deleting keys
Timeline Settings
Timeline and the Inspector Window
Setting Timeline properties
Setting Track properties
Activation Track properties
Animation Track properties
Setting Clip properties
Activation Clip properties
Animation Clip common properties
Animation Clip playable asset properties
Audio Clip properties
Playable Director component
Timeline glossary
Пользовательский интерфейс
Сanvas (Полотно)
Basic Layout
Визуальные компоненты
Компоненты взаимодействия
Animation Integration
Auto Layout
«Обогащенный» текст (Rich Text)
Справка по пользовательским интерфейсам
Rect Transform
Canvas Components
Холст (Canvas)
Canvas Scaler
Canvas Group
Canvas Renderer
Visual Components
Raw Image
UI Effect Components
Position as UV1
Interaction Components
Selectable Base Class
Transition Options
Navigation Options
Toggle Group
Input Field
Scroll Rect
Auto Layout
Layout Element
Content Size Fitter
Aspect Ratio Fitter
Horizontal Layout Group
Vertical Layout Group
Grid Layout Group
Практические рекомендации по работе с UI (пользовательскими интерфейсами)
Создание интерфейса (UI) под разные разрешения экрана
Создание элементов интерфейса с подгонкой их размеров под их контент
Создание интерфейса на основе мировых координат (World Space UI)
Создание элементов интерфейса путём скриптинга
Creating Screen Transitions
Immediate Mode GUI (IMGUI)
IMGUI Basics
Режимы расположения
Расширение UnityGUI
GUI Скин
GUI Style (IMGUI System)
Навигация и поиск пути
Navigation Overview
Navigation System in Unity
Inner Workings of the Navigation System
Building a NavMesh
NavMesh building components
NavMesh Surface
NavMesh Modifier
NavMesh Modifier Volume
NavMesh Link
NavMesh building components API
Advanced NavMesh Bake Settings
Creating a NavMesh Agent
Creating a NavMesh Obstacle
Creating an Off-mesh Link
Building Off-Mesh Links Automatically
Building Height Mesh for Accurate Character Placement
Navigation Areas and Costs
Loading Multiple NavMeshes using Additive Loading
Using NavMesh Agent with Other Components
Справочник по навигации
Навмеш агент (#NavMesh Agent)
Nav Mesh Obstacle
Off-Mesh Link
Navigation How-Tos
Telling a NavMeshAgent to Move to a Destination
Moving an Agent to a Position Clicked by the Mouse
Making an Agent Patrol Between a Set of Points
Coupling Animation and Navigation
Unity Services
Setting up your project for Unity Services
Unity Organizations
Subscriptions and seats
Managing your Organization
Managing your Organization’s Projects
Transfer a Project to a new Organization
Working with Unity Teams
Unity Ads
Unity developer integration
Unity Analytics
Unity Analytics Overview
Setting Up Analytics
Analytics Dashboard
Overview page
Data Explorer
Funnel Analyzer page
Segment Builder
Remote Settings page
Livestream page
Raw Data Export page
Event Manager
Configure page
Market Insights
Analytics events
Core Events
Standard Events
Custom Events
Custom Event scripting
Analytics Event Tracker
Analytics event parameters
Analytics Event limits
Remote Settings
Creating and changing Remote Settings
Using Remote Settings in a Unity project
Remote Settings network requests
Enabling Remote Settings
Managing Remote Settings in the Unity Editor
Remote Settings component
Remote Settings scripting
Testing Remote Settings
Unity Analytics A/B Testing
Receipt Verification
User Attributes
Unity Analytics Raw Data Export
Data reset
Upgrading Unity Analytics
Upgrade Unity Analytics 4.x-5.1 (SDK) to 5.2 onwards
Upgrade Unity Analytics 5.1 to 5.2 onwards
Unity Analytics Re-integrate SDK to 5.1
What to Do if Project IDs Don't Match
COPPA Compliance
Unity Analytics and the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Unity Analytics DataPrivacy API
Analytics Metrics, Segments, and Terminology
Unity Cloud Build
Automated Build Generation
Supported platforms
Supported versions of Unity
Version control systems
Using the Unity Developer Dashboard to configure Unity Cloud Build for Git
Using the Unity Editor to configure Unity Cloud Build for Git
Using the Unity Developer Dashboard to configure Unity Cloud Build for Mercurial
Using the Unity Editor to configure Unity Cloud Build for Mercurial
Using Apache Subversion (SVN) with Unity Cloud Build
Using the Unity Developer Dashboard to configure Unity Cloud Build for Perforce
Using the Unity Editor to configure Unity Cloud Build for Perforce
Building for iOS
Advanced options
Development builds
Pre- and post-export methods
Xcode frameworks
Custom scripting #define directives
Including specific Scenes
Build manifest
Build manifest as JSON
Build manifest as ScriptableObject
Cloud Build REST API
Unity IAP
Setting up Unity IAP
Configuring for Apple App Store and Mac App Store
Configuring for Google Play Store
Configuring for Windows Store
Configuration for the Amazon Appstore
Samsung Galaxy IAP configuration
Cross Platform Guide
Codeless IAP
Defining products
Subscription Product support
Browsing Product Metadata
Initiating Purchases
Processing Purchases
Handling purchase failures
Restoring Transactions
Purchase Receipts
Receipt validation
Store Extensions
Cross-store installation issues with Android in-app purchase stores
Store Guides
iOS & Mac App Stores
Universal Windows Platform
Google Play
Amazon Appstore and Amazon Underground Store
Samsung Galaxy apps
CloudMoolah MOO store
Unity IAP Xiaomi integration guide
Unity Channel SDK and API extensions
Implementing a Store
Retrieving products
Handling purchases
Store Modules
Registering your store
Store Configuration
Store Extensions
IAP Promo
IAP Promo integration
IAP Promo Placements
IAP Promo Product Catalogs
Unity Collaborate
Setting up Unity Collaborate
Adding team members to your Unity Project
Viewing history
Enabling Cloud Build with Collaborate
Managing Unity Editor versions
Reverting files
Resolving file conflicts
Excluding Assets from publishing to Collaborate
Publishing individual files to Collaborate
Restoring previous versions of a project
In-Progress edit notifications
Managing cloud storage
Moving your Project to another version control system
Collaborate troubleshooting tips
Unity Cloud Diagnostics
Unity Integrations
Multiplayer Services
Google VR
Google VR hardware and software requirements
Google VR quick start guide
Supported APIs and SDKs
Google VR controllers and input devices
Google VR features overview
Unity Google VR Video Async Reprojection
Google VR resources and troubleshooting
Vuforia hardware and software requirements
Vuforia quick start guide
Setting up your Project for Vuforia
Setting up Image Targets
Importing and activating the Target Database in Unity
Adding Image Targets to your Scene
Displaying 3D models on top of tracked images
Vuforia platform configuration settings
Vuforia tips, troubleshooting and resources
Windows Mixed Reality
WMR hardware and software requirements
WMR quick start guide
WMR input and interaction concepts
WMR testing during development
HoloLens WorldAnchor persistence
HoloLens Anchor Sharing
HoloLens Web Camera
HoloLens photo capture
HoloLens video capture
HoloLens Spatial Mapping
Spatial Mapping components
The settings below are common to both __Spatial Mapping Renderer__ and __Spatial Mapping Collider__ components.
Spatial Mapping Collider
Spatial Mapping Renderer
Spatial Mapping low level API
Spatial Mapping common troubleshooting issues
Unity XR input
Input for Windows Mixed Reality
Input for OpenVR controllers
Input for Oculus
Daydream Controllers
XR API reference
Mixed Reality Devices
VR devices
Single Pass Stereo rendering (Double-Wide rendering)
Single Pass Instanced rendering
Single-Pass Stereo Rendering for HoloLens
VR Audio Spatializers
Open-source repositories
Как предложить изменения (contribute) в Unity
Step 1: Get a Bitbucket account
Step 2: Fork the repository you want to contribute to
Step 3: Clone your fork
Шаг 4: Примените модификации к вашему форку
Шаг 5: Создайте запрос на обновление (Pull Request) на Bitbucket
Шаг 6: Ожидайте отзыв
Дополнительные материалы
Asset Store Publishing
Adding Keywords to Assets
Управление публикацией Asset Store
ЧаВо по Asset Store
Asset Store Publishing Guide
Asset Store Мануал.
Publisher Admin Section Overview
Setting up Google Analytics
Viewing the status of your Asset Store submissions
Refunding your customers
Removing your Assets from the Asset Store
Providing support
Asset Store promotions
Специфичные платформы
Standalone Player Settings
macOS Player: IL2CPP Scripting Backend
macOS Player: C++ source code plugins for IL2CPP
Delivering your application to the Mac App Store
Apple TV
Building games for Apple TV
WebGL Player Settings
Getting started with WebGL development
WebGL Browser Compatibility
Building and running a WebGL project
WebGL: Deploying compressed builds
Debugging and troubleshooting WebGL builds
WebGL Graphics
WebGL Networking
Using Audio In WebGL
WebGL performance considerations
Memory in WebGL
WebGL: Interacting with browser scripting
Using WebGL Templates
Cursor locking and full-screen mode in WebGL
Input in WebGL
Первые шаги в iOS разработке
Основы Unity iOS
iOS account setup
Внутри процесса сборки под iOS
Structure of a Unity XCode Project
Настройка начального экрана iOS
Путеводитель по оборудованию под iOS
iOS Player Settings
iOS 2D Texture Overrides
Upgrading to 64-bit iOS
Продвинутые темы по iOS
Unity Remote
IOS cкриптинг
Поддержка игровых контроллеров на iOS
Продвинутый скриптинг в Unity для мобильных платформ
Optimizing Performance on iOS
iOS-specific optimizations
Measuring performance with the built-in profiler
Optimizing the size of the built iOS Player
Оптимизация производительности физики
Сборка плагина для iOS
Preparing your application for In-App Purchases (IAP)
Customising WWW requests on iOS
App thinning
Managed stack traces on iOS
Features currently not supported by Unity iOS
Решение проблем на iOS устройствах
Сообщение об ошибках, приводящих к "падениям" на iOS
Getting started with Android development
Android environment setup
Unity Remote
Android Remote (УСТАРЕВШЕЕ)
Troubleshooting Android development
Building apps for Android
Reporting crash bugs under Android
Support for APK expansion files (OBB)
Написание кода для Android
Advanced Unity mobile scripting
Building and using plug-ins for Android
AAR plug-ins and Android Libraries
JAR plug-ins
Extending the UnityPlayerActivity Java Code
Native (C++) plug-ins for Android
Using Java or Kotlin source files as plug-ins
Кастомизация экрана приветствия (Splash Screen) на Android
Single-Pass Stereo Rendering for Android
Android Player Settings
Android 2D Textures Overrides
Gradle for Android
Gradle troubleshooting
Android Manifest
Getting started with Facebook development
Facebook Player Settings
Windows General
Windows standalone Player build binaries
Windows Debugging
Windows Player: IL2CPP Scripting Backend
Windows Player: IL2CPP build files
Windows Player: C++ source code plugins for IL2CPP
Universal Windows Platform
Приложения Windows Store: Приступая к работе
Universal Windows Platform: Deployment
Universal Windows Platform: Profiler
Universal Windows Platform: Command line arguments
Universal Windows Platform: Association launching
Класс AppCallbacks
Universal Windows Platform: WinRT API in C# scripts
Universal Windows Platform Player Settings
Scripting Backends
Universal Windows Platform: .NET Scripting Backend
Universal Windows Platform: Generated project with .NET scripting backend
Universal Windows Platform: Missing .NET Types on .NET Scripting Backend
Universal Windows Platform: Plugins on .NET Scripting Backend
Universal Windows Platform: Debugging on .NET Scripting Backend
Universal Windows Platform: IL2CPP scripting back end
Universal Windows Platform: Generated project with IL2CPP scripting backend
Universal Windows Platform: Plugins on IL2CPP Scripting Backend
Universal Windows Platform: Debugging on IL2CPP Scripting Backend
Universal Windows Platform: Examples
Universal Windows Platform: Code snippets
Known issues
Web Player
Чеклист Мобильного Разработчика
Practical guide to optimization for mobiles
Графические приёмы
Приёмы в коде и игровом процессе
Оптимизации рендеринга
Оптимизация скриптов
Getting started with UIElements
Scripted Importers
Look Dev
The Look Dev view
Control panel
Settings menu
Views menu
HDRI environments in Look Dev
The HDRI view
HDRI menus
Environment Shadow
Scripting Runtime Upgrade
Legacy Topics
Windows Store: Windows SDKs
Windows Phone 8.1
Windows Phone 8.1: Debugging
Универсальные приложения Windows (Windows Universal Applications)
Universal Windows 10 Applications: Getting Started
Asset Server (Только Pro)
Настройка Asset Server
Legacy Asset Bundles
Creating Asset Bundles in Unity 4
Managing Asset Dependencies in Unity 4
Legacy Animation System
Animation Scripting (Legacy)
Legacy GUI
GUI Text (Legacy UI Component)
GUI Texture (Legacy UI Component)
Legacy Unity Analytics (SDK Workflow)
Basic Integration (SDK)
Import SDK
Create Game Script
Attach Game Script
Play To Validate
Advanced Integration (SDK)
Custom Events
Receipt Verification
User Attributes
Unity Remote
Unity Remote 3 (УСТАРЕВШЕЕ)
Best practice guides
Understanding optimization in Unity
Asset auditing
Understanding the managed heap
Strings and text
The Resources folder
General Optimizations
Special optimizations
Making believable visuals in Unity
Preparing Assets for Unity
Preparing render settings in Unity
Lighting strategy
Outdoor lighting and Scene setup
Indoor and local lighting
Understanding post-processing
Dynamic lighting
Best Practice: Setting up the Lighting Pipeline
Expert guides
New in Unity 2018.2
Packages Documentation
Unity User Manual (2018.2)
Специфичные платформы
Universal Windows Platform
Windows Player: C++ source code plugins for IL2CPP
Приложения Windows Store: Приступая к работе
Universal Windows Platform
“Windows Store” platform renamed as “Universal Windows Platform” in Unity
Windows Player: C++ source code plugins for IL2CPP
Приложения Windows Store: Приступая к работе