允许您以编程方式构建可从 Web 加载的播放器或 AssetBundle。
isBuildingPlayer | 目前是否正在构建播放器? |
BuildAssetBundles | Build all AssetBundles. |
BuildCanBeAppended | Checks if Unity can append the build. |
BuildPlayer | 构建一个播放器。 |
GetBuildTargetName | Given a BuildTarget will return the well known string representation for the build target platform. |
GetCRCForAssetBundle | 提取给定 AssetBundle 的 CRC 校验和。 |
GetHashForAssetBundle | 提取给定 AssetBundle 的哈希值。 |
GetPlaybackEngineDirectory | 返回玩家目录的路径。例如,Editor\Data\PlaybackEngines\AndroidPlayer。在某些情况下,玩家目录路径可能受 BuildOptions.Development 影响。 |
GetPlayerConnectionInitiateMode | Returns the mode currently used by players to initiate a connect to the host. |
IsBuildTargetSupported | 如果指定构建目标目前在编辑器中可用,则返回 true。 |
WriteBootConfig | Writes out a "boot.config" file that contains configuration information for the very early stages of engine startup. |