

在 Unity Editor 顶部可以看到工具栏。工具栏不是窗口,是 Unity 界面中唯一无法重新排列的部分。

For additional tools in the Scene view, see Overlays.

工具栏显示在 Editor 顶部
工具栏显示在 Editor 顶部
控制: 描述:
Access your Unity Account from the Account drop-down menu.
单击云按钮打开 Unity Services 窗口。
Game 视图中使用播放 (Play)、暂停 (Pause) 和步进 (Step) 按钮。
Use Undo History to view, undo, or redo actions performed in the Editor
Open Search.
Control which objects appear in Scene view from the Layers drop-down menu.
Change the arrangement of your views and then save the new layout or load an existing from the Layout drop-down menu.

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