public void Lerp (Material start, Material end, float t);


Интерполирует свойства между двумя материалами.

Makes all color and float values of a material be interpolated from start to end, based on t.
When t is 0, all values are taken from start.
When t is 1, all values are taken from end.

Most often you want the materials that are interpolated between to be the same (use the same shaders and textures) except for colors and floats. Then you use Lerp to blend between them.

See Also: Materials.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour { public Material material1; public Material material2; public float duration = 2.0F; public Renderer rend; void Start() { rend = GetComponent<Renderer>(); rend.material = material1; } void Update() { float lerp = Mathf.PingPong(Time.time, duration) / duration; rend.material.Lerp(material1, material2, lerp); } }