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class in UnityEngine


Implemented in:UnityEngine.CoreModule


Provides access to display information.

Use the Screen class to get a list of supported screen resolutions, switch the current resolution, or hide or show the system mouse pointer.

Static Properties

autorotateToLandscapeLeftEnables auto-rotation to landscape left
autorotateToLandscapeRightEnables auto-rotation to landscape right.
autorotateToPortraitEnables auto-rotation to portrait.
autorotateToPortraitUpsideDownEnables auto-rotation to portrait, upside down.
brightnessThe current brightness of the screen.
currentResolutionThe current screen resolution (Read Only).
cutoutsReturns a list of screen areas that are not functional for displaying content (Read Only).
dpiThe current DPI of the screen / device (Read Only).
fullScreenEnables full-screen mode for the application.
fullScreenModeSet this property to one of the values in FullScreenMode to change the display mode of your application.
heightThe current height of the screen window in pixels (Read Only).
orientationSpecifies logical orientation of the screen.
resolutionsReturns all full-screen resolutions that the monitor supports (Read Only).
safeAreaReturns the safe area of the screen in pixels (Read Only).
sleepTimeoutA power saving setting, allowing the screen to dim some time after the last active user interaction.
widthThe current width of the screen window in pixels (Read Only).

Static Methods

SetResolutionSwitches the screen resolution.