macOS development

macOS player settings

This page details the Player settings specific to macOS. For a description of the general Player settings, refer to Player Settings.



Activate the Override for Windows, Mac, Linux setting to assign a custom icon for your desktop game. You can upload different sizes of the icon to fit each of the squares provided.

Resolution and presentation

使用 Resolution and Presentation 部分可以自定义屏幕外观的各个方面。



属性 描述
Fullscreen Mode 选择全屏模式。此设置定义了启动时的默认窗口模式。
Fullscreen Window Set your app window to the full-screen native display resolution, covering the whole screen. This mode is also known as borderless full-screen. Unity renders the app content at the resolution set by a script, or the native display resolution if none is set and scales it to fill the window. When scaling, Unity adds black bars to the rendered output to match the display aspect ratio to prevent content stretching. This process is called letterboxing. The OS overlay UI displays on top of the full-screen window (such as IME input windows). All platforms support this mode.
Exclusive Fullscreen (Windows only) Set your app to maintain sole full-screen use of a display. Unlike Fullscreen Window, this mode changes the OS resolution of the display to match the app’s chosen resolution. This option is only supported on Windows.
Maximized Window (Mac only) Set the app window to the operating system’s definition of maximized, which is typically a full-screen window with a hidden menu bar and dock on macOS. This option is only supported on macOS. Fullscreen Window is the default setting for other platforms.
Windowed Set your app to a standard, non-full-screen movable window, the size of which is dependent on the app resolution. In this mode, the window is resizable by default. Use the Resizable Window setting to disable this. All desktop platforms support this full-screen mode.
Default Is Native Resolution Enable this option to make the game use the default resolution used on the target machine. This option isn’t available if the Fullscreen Mode is set to Windowed.
Default Screen Width 设置游戏画面的默认宽度(以像素为单位)。仅在 Fullscreen Mode 设置为 Windowed 时,此选项才可用。
Default Screen Height 设置游戏画面的默认高度(以像素为单位)。仅在 Fullscreen Mode 设置为 Windowed 时,此选项才可用。
Mac Retina Support Enable this option to enable support for high DPI (Retina) screens on a Mac. Unity enables this by default. This enhances Projects on a Retina display, but it’s somewhat resource-intensive when active.
Run In background Enable this option to have the game running in the background instead of pausing if the app loses focus.

Standalone Player Options

Use this section to specify the settings to customize the screen. For example, you can set options for users to resize the screen and specify the number of instances that can run concurrently.

属性 描述
Capture Single Screen Activate this option so that standalone games in Fullscreen Mode don’t darken the secondary monitor in multi-monitor setups. This option isn’t supported on macOS.
Use Player Log Activate this option to write a log file with debugging information.
Warning: If you plan to submit your application to the Mac App Store, leave this option deactivated. For more information, refer to Publishing to the Mac App Store.
Resizable Window Activate this option to allow resizing of the desktop player window.
Note: If you deactivate this option, your application can’t use the Windowed Fullscreen Mode.
Visible in Background Activate this option to display the application in the background when using Windowed Fullscreen Mode. This option isn’t supported on macOS.
Allow Fullscreen Switch Activate this option to allow default OS full-screen key presses to toggle between full-screen and windowed modes.
Force Single Instance Activate this option to restrict desktop players to a single concurrent running instance.
Use DXGI flip model swap chain for D3D11 Using the flip model ensures the best performance. This setting affects the D3D11 graphics API. Deactivate this option to fall back to the Windows 7-style BitBlt model. For more information, refer to PlayerSettings.useFlipModelSwapchain.

Splash Image

Use the Virtual Reality Splash Image setting to select a custom splash image for Virtual Reality displays. For information on common Splash Screen settings, refer to Splash Screen.

Other Settings


Use these settings to customize how Unity renders your game for desktop platforms.

Property Description
Color Space Choose which color space to use for rendering: Gamma or Linear. For more information, refer to Linear rendering overview.
Gamma Gamma color space is typically used for calculating lighting on older hardware restricted to 8 bits per channel for the framebuffer format. Even though monitors today are digital, they might still take a gamma-encoded signal as input.
Linear Linear color space rendering gives more precise results. When you select to work in linear color space, the Editor defaults to using sRGB sampling. If your Textures are in linear color space, you need to work in linear color space and deactivate sRGB sampling for each Texture.
Auto Graphics API for Windows Enable this option to use the best Graphics API on the Windows machine the game is running on. Disable it to add and remove supported Graphics APIs.
Auto Graphics API for Mac Enable this option to use the best Graphics API on the Mac the game is running on. Disable it to add and remove supported Graphics APIs.
Auto Graphics API for Linux Enable this option to use the best Graphics API on the Linux machine it runs on. Disable it to add and remove supported Graphics APIs.
Color Gamut for Mac You can add or remove color gamuts for the Mac platform to use for rendering. Click the plus (+) icon to display a list of available gamuts. A color gamut defines a possible range of colors available for a given device (such as a monitor or screen). The sRGB gamut is the default (and required) gamut.
Static Batching Use Static batching. For more information, refer to Draw call batching.
Dynamic Batching Use dynamic batching (enabled by default). For more information, refer to Draw call batching.

Note: Dynamic batching has no effect when a Scriptable Render Pipeline is active, so this setting is only visible if the Scriptable Render Pipeline Asset Graphics setting is blank.
Sprite Batching Threshold Controls the maximum vertex threshold used when batching.
GPU Compute Skinning Use shaders to calculate mesh skinning and blend shapes on the GPU.
Graphics Jobs Offloads graphics tasks (render loops) to worker threads running on other CPU cores. This option reduces the time spent in Camera.Render on the main thread, which can be a bottleneck.
Lightmap Encoding Defines the encoding scheme and compression format of the lightmaps.
You can choose from Low Quality, Normal Quality, or High Quality.
HDR Cubemap Encoding Defines the encoding scheme and compression format of the HDR Cubemaps.
You can choose from Low Quality, Normal Quality, or High Quality.
Lightmap Streaming Uses Mipmap Streaming for lightmaps. Unity applies this setting to all lightmaps when it generates them.

Note: To use this setting, you must enable the Texture Streaming Quality setting.
Streaming Priority Sets the priority for all lightmaps in the Mipmap Streaming system. Unity applies this setting to all lightmaps when it generates them.
Positive numbers give higher priority. Valid values range from –128 to 127.
Frame Timing Stats Allows Unity to gather CPU/GPU frame timing statistics. Use this option with the Dynamic Resolution camera setting to determine if your application is CPU or GPU bound.
OpenGL: Profiler GPU Recorders Enable profiler recorders when rendering with OpenGL.
Use display in HDR mode Activate HDR mode output when the application runs. This only works on displays that support this feature. If the display doesn’t support HDR mode, the game runs in standard mode.
Swap Chain Bit Depth Selects the number of bits in each color channel for swap chain buffers. You can select Bit Depth 10 or Bit Depth 16. The option to choose bit depth only becomes available when you enable HDR Mode.

For more information on bit depth, refer to the Scripting API page for D3DHDRDisplayBitDepth.
Bit Depth 10 Unity will use the R10G10B10A2 buffer format and Rec2020 primaries with ST2084 PQ encoding.
Bit Depth 16 Unity will use the R16G16B16A16 buffer format and Rec709 primaries with linear color (no encoding).
Virtual Texturing (Experimental) Enable this option to reduce GPU memory usage and texture loading times if your Scene has many high resolution textures. For more information, refer to Virtual Texturing.

Note: The Unity Editor requires a restart for this setting to take effect.
360 Stereo Capture Allows Unity to capture stereoscopic 360 images and videos. When enabled, Unity compiles additional shader variants to support 360 capture (only on Windows). When enabled, the enable_360_capture keyword is added during the Stereo RenderCubemap call. This keyword isn’t triggered outside the Stereo RenderCubemap function.

For more information, refer to Stereo 360 Image and Video Capture.
Load/Store Action Debug Mode Highlights undefined pixels that might cause rendering problems in your built application. The highlighting appears only in the Game view, and your built application if you select Development Build in Build Settings. For more information, refer to LoadStoreActionDebugModeSettings.
Editor Only Highlights undefined pixels in the Game view, but not in your built application.

Vulkan Settings

Property Description
SRGB Write Mode Enable this option to allow Graphics.SetSRGBWrite() renderer to toggle the sRGB write mode during runtime. That is, if you want to temporarily turn off Linear-to-sRGB write color conversion, you can use this property to achieve that. Enabling this has a negative impact on performance on mobile tile-based GPUs; therefore, do NOT enable this for mobile.
Number of swapchain buffers Set this option to 2 for double-buffering, or 3 for triple-buffering to use with Vulkan renderer. This setting may help with latency on some platforms, but in most cases you should not change this from the default value of 3. Double-buffering might have a negative impact on performance. Do not use this setting on Android.
Acquire swapchain image late as possible If enabled, Vulkan delays acquiring the backbuffer until after it renders the frame to an offscreen image. Vulkan uses a staging image to achieve this. Enabling this setting causes an extra blit when presenting the backbuffer. This setting, in combination with double-buffering, can improve performance. However, it also can cause performance issues because the additional blit takes up bandwidth.
Recycle command buffers Indicates whether to recycle or free CommandBuffers after Unity executes them.

Mac App Store Options

属性 描述
Override Default Bundle Identifier Indicates whether you can manually set the bundle identifier.

Note: This setting affects macOS, iOS, tvOS, and Android.
Bundle Identifier Enter the Bundle Identifier of your application. This appears as CFBundleIdentifier in the associated info.plist file. The Bundle Identifier must follow the convention com.YourCompanyName.YourProductName and must contain only alphanumeric and hyphen characters. For more information, refer to CFBundleIdentifier.

Important: Unity automatically replaces any invalid characters you type with a hyphen.
Build Enter the build number for this version of your app. This appears as CFBundleVersion in the associated info.plist file. For more information, refer to CFBundleVersion.
类别 Enter the string corresponding to the app’s type. The App Store uses this string to select the appropriate categorization for the app. By default, this is For more information, refer to LSApplicationCategoryType.
Mac App Store Validation Activate this so that your app only runs when it has a valid receipt from the Mac App Store. This prevents people from running the game on a different device. Only deactivate this setting if you have implemented your own receipt validation.

Publishing to the Mac App Store

The Use Player Log property creates a log file with debugging information, helping to investigate any problems with your game. Deactivate this when publishing games for Apple’s Mac App Store, as Apple can reject your submission if activated. For more information, refer to Log Files.

The Use Mac App Store Validation property activates receipt validation for the Mac App Store. If activated, your game only runs when it has a valid receipt from the Mac App Store. Use this when submitting games to Apple for publishing on the App Store. This prevents people from running the game on a different computer.

Note: This feature doesn’t implement any strong copy protection. In particular, any potential crack for one Unity game can work for any other Unity content. For this reason, it’s recommended that you implement your own receipt validation code on top of this, using Unity’s plug-in feature. Because Apple requires plug-in validation to initially happen before showing the screen setup dialog, it’s recommended to activate this property to avoid Apple rejecting your submission.


Property Description
Scripting Backend Choose the scripting backend you want to use. The scripting backend determines how Unity compiles and executes C# code in your Project.
Mono Compiles C# code into .NET Common Intermediate Language (CIL) and executes that CIL using a Common Language Runtime. For more information, refer to the Mono page.
IL2CPP Compiles C# code into CIL, converts the CIL to C++ and then compiles that C++ into native machine code, which executes directly at runtime. For more information, refer to IL2CPP.
API Compatibility Level Choose which .NET APIs you can use in your project. This setting can affect compatibility with third-party libraries. However, it has no effect on Editor-specific code (code in an Editor directory, or within an Editor-specific Assembly Definition).

Tip: If you are having problems with a third-party assembly, you can try the suggestion in the API Compatibility Level section below.
.Net Standard 2.1 Compatible with .NET Standard 2.1. Produces smaller builds and has full cross-platform support.
.Net Framework Compatible with the .NET Framework 4 (which includes everything in the .NET Standard 2.0 profile plus additional APIs). Choose this option when using libraries that access APIs not included in .NET Standard 2.0. Produces larger builds and any additional APIs available aren’t necessarily supported on all platforms. For more information, refer to Referencing additional class library assemblies.
IL2CPP Code Generation Defines how Unity manages IL2CPP code generation. This option is only available if you use the IL2CPP scripting backend.
Faster runtime Generates code optimized for runtime performance. This setting is activated by default.
Faster (smaller) builds Generates code optimized for build size and iteration. This setting generates less code and produces a smaller build, but can reduce runtime performance for generic code. Use this option when faster build times are important, such as when iterating on changes.
C++ Compiler Configuration Choose the C++ compiler configuration used when compiling IL2CPP generated code.
Note: This property is disabled unless Scripting Backend is set to IL2CPP.
Use incremental GC Uses the incremental garbage collector, which spreads garbage collection over several frames to reduce garbage collection-related spikes in frame duration. For more information, refer to Automatic Memory Management.
Allow downloads over HTTP Indicates whether to allow downloading content over HTTP. The options are Not allowed, Allowed in Development builds only, and Always allowed. The default option is Not allowed due to the recommended protocol being HTTPS, which is more secure.
Active Input Handling Choose how to handle input from users.
Input Manager (old) Use the default Input window.
Input System Package (New) Use the newer Input system. To try the new Input System, install the InputSystem package.
Both Use both systems side by side.

API compatibility level

You can choose your mono API compatibility level for all targets. Sometimes a third-party .NET library uses functionality that’s outside of your .NET compatibility level. To understand what’s going on in such cases, and how to best fix it, try following these suggestions:

  1. Install ILSpy for Windows.
  2. Drag the .NET assemblies for the API compatibility level that you are having issues with into ILSpy. You can find these under Frameworks/Mono/lib/mono/YOURSUBSET/.
  3. 拖入第三方程序集。
  4. 右键单击第三方程序集并选择 Analyze
  5. In the analysis report, inspect the Depends on section. The report highlights anything that the third-party assembly depends on, but that’s not available in the .NET compatibility level of your choice in red.

Mac Configuration

Property Description
Camera Usage Description Enter the reason for accessing the camera on the device.
Microphone Usage Description Enter the reason for accessing the microphone on the device.
Bluetooth Usage Description Enter the reason for accessing the device’s Bluetooth connection.
Supported URL schemes A list of supported URL schemes. To add new schemes, increase the value of the Size property, then set a reference to the Asset to load in the new Element box that appears.

Shader Settings

属性 描述
Shader precision model Select the default precision of samplers used in shaders. For more information, refer to Shader data types and precision.
Strict shader variant matching Use the error shader if a shader variant is missing and display an error in the console.
Keep Loaded Shaders Alive Keep all loaded shaders alive and prevent unloading.

Shader Variant Loading Settings

Use these settings to control how much memory shaders use at runtime.

设置 描述
Default chunk size (MB) Sets the maximum size of compressed shader variant data chunks Unity stores in your built application for all platforms. The default is 16. For more information, refer to Shader loading.
Default chunk count Sets the default limit on how many decompressed chunks Unity keeps in memory on all platforms. The default is 0, which means there’s no limit.
Override Enables overriding Default chunk size and Default chunk count for this build target.
Chunk size (MB) Overrides the value of Default chunk size (MB) on this build target.
Chunk count Overrides the value of Default chunk count on this build target.

Script compilation

属性 描述
Scripting Define Symbols Sets custom compilation flags.

For more information, refer to Platform dependent compilation.
Additional Compiler Arguments Adds entries to this list to pass additional arguments to the Roslyn compiler. Use one new entry for each additional argument.
To create a new entry, click Add (+). To remove an entry, click Remove (-).

When you have added all desired arguments, click Apply to include your additional arguments in future compilations. Click Revert to reset this list to the most recent applied state.
Suppress Common Warnings Indicates whether to display the C# warnings CS0169 and CS0649.
Allow ‘unsafe’ Code Activate support for compiling ‘unsafe’ C# code in a pre-defined assembly (for example, Assembly-CSharp.dll).
For Assembly Definition Files (.asmdef), click on one of your .asmdef files and activate the option in the Inspector window that appears.
Use Deterministic Compilation Indicates whether to prevent compilation with the -deterministic C# flag. With this setting active, compiled assemblies are byte-for-byte the same each time they’re compiled.

For more information, refer to Microsoft’s deterministic compiler option.


Property Description
Prebake Collision Meshes Adds collision data to Meshes at build time.
Preloaded Assets Sets an array of Assets for the player to load on startup.
To add new Assets, increase the value of the Size property and then set a reference to the Asset to load in the new Element box that appears.
Managed Stripping Level Chooses how aggressively Unity strips unused managed (C#) code. The options are Minimal, Low, Medium, and High.
When Unity builds your app, the Unity Linker process can strip unused code from the managed DLLs your Project uses. Stripping code can make the resulting executable significantly smaller, but can sometimes accidentally remove code that’s in use.

For more information about these options and bytecode stripping with IL2CPP, refer to ManagedStrippingLevel.
Vertex Compression Sets vertex compression per channel. This affects all the meshes in your project.
Typically, Vertex Compression is used to reduce the size of mesh data in memory, reduce file size, and improve GPU performance.

For more information on how to configure vertex compression and limitations of this setting, refe to Compressing mesh data.
Optimize Mesh Data Enable this option to strip unused vertex attributes from the mesh used in a build. This option reduces the amount of data in the mesh, which can help reduce build size, loading times, and runtime memory usage.

Warning: If you have this setting enabled, you should remember to not change material or shader settings at runtime.

For more information, refer to PlayerSettings.stripUnusedMeshComponents.
Texture MipMap Stripping Enables mipmap stripping for all platforms. This strips unused mipmaps from Textures at build time. Unity determines unused mipmaps by comparing the value of the mipmap against the Quality Settings for the current platform. If a mipmap value is excluded from every Quality Setting for the current platform, then Unity strips those mipmaps from the build at build time. If QualitySettings.masterTextureLimit is set to a mipmap value that has been stripped, Unity will set the value to the closest mipmap value that has not been stripped.

Stack Trace

Select your preferred logging type by enabling the option that corresponds to each Log Type.

属性 描述
No logs are ever recorded.
ScriptOnly Logs only when running scripts.
Full Logs all the time.

For more information, refer to stack trace logging.


属性 描述
Clamp BlendShapes (Deprecated) Activate the option to clamp the range of blend shape weights in SkinnedMeshRenderers.

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macOS development