API updater
Upgrading to Unity 2021 LTS

Upgrading to Unity 2022 LTS

This page lists changes in Unity 2022 LTS version which might affect existing projects when you upgrade them from a 2021 version to 2022 LTS.

Note: 2022 LTS is also known as 2022.3.0.

Page Outline

Articulation Drive forceLimit property now accepts force input instead of impulse

The Articulation Drive forceLimit feature was used previously as an impulse limit instead of a force limit. This made the force limit dependent on the fixedDeltaTime value.

If you have already adapted to the use of this value as an impulse, when you upgrade, your values for forceLimit in your Articulation Drive in the Articulation Body component will be incorrect by a large scale.

There are checks for when you open an older project. When you upgrade a project, Unity automatically divides the relevant values by the Time.fixedDeltaTime set in the ProjectSettings > Time page to avoid the incorrect configuration. This catches most cases where robots are simulated based on the project set Time value.

If you use custom time values from script to simulate your robots, then you need to manually correct these values.

Change to generated lightmap UVs

Unity’s UV generation procedure has changed. Lightmaps might appear corrupted in projects that use the Generate Lightmap UVs option in Model Import Settings. To resolve this problem, rebake all of the lightmaps in your project.

This change only affects projects that use Generate Lightmap UVs.

Change to GradientField in the UI Toolkit

From Unity 2022.1, the color picker in GradientField doesn’t have HDR enabled by default. Existing projects that use GradientField now use a regular color picker instead of the HDR color picker.

To continue the use of a HDR color picker, you can enable it using the HDR property in GradientField.

UI Toolkit Numeric and Compound fields are available at runtime

The following fields are now available that work automatically at runtime:

  • DoubleField
  • FloatField
  • IntegerField
  • LongField
  • Hash128Field
  • RectField
  • RectIntField
  • Vector2Field
  • Vector3Field
  • Vector4Field
  • Vector2IntField
  • Vector3IntField
  • BoundsField
  • BoundsIntField

The UXML files in your projects don’t update and work upon upgrading. However, when you add new promoted types through the UI Builder, it breaks the backwards compatibility of UXML assets with older Unity versions. To keep the UXML assets backwards compatible, you need to use the old types (UnityEditor.UIElements namespace) in UXML files.

The Physical Keys option in Input Managed is enabled by default

The Physical keys option allows you to map key codes to the physical keyboard layout, rather than to the language-specific layout that may vary between users in different regions. For example, on some keyboards the first row of letters reads “QWERTY”, and on others it reads “AZERTY”. This means if you scripted specific controls to use the well known “WASD” keys for movement, they would not be in the correct physical arrangement (like the arrow-key arrangement) on an AZERTY-layout keyboard. With Physical Keys enabled, Unity uses a generic ANSI/ISO “Qwerty” layout to represent the physical location of the keys regardless of the user’s actual layout. This means if you specify the “Q” key, it will always be the left-most letter on the first row of letter keys, even if the user’s keyboard has a different letter in that position.

As of 2022.1 the option is enabled by default with intent of deprecating and removing old behavior in the future.

Added support for BatchRendererGroup

The BatchRendererGroup API was originally written for the MegaCity demo but was never fully documented or usable without a lot of implementation details. This API has been rewritten from the ground up and is fully documented and supported.

For information on how to use the new interface, refer to the BatchRendererGroup page.


This upgrade guide describes how to upgrade to version 2022.2 of Unity’s built-in render pipeline.

To upgrade to other render pipelines to version 2022.2, refer to the documentation for the render pipeline you’re using:

To upgrade other packages, refer to the documentation for the packages you are using.

Enlighten Baked Global Illumination is deprecated

The Enlighten Baked Global Illumination lightmapping backend is no longer available by default. When you upgrade a project to this version, Unity removes the Enlighten baking backend from the lightmapper selection dropdown and substitutes a Progressive Lightmapper in every Scene where you’ve selected the Enlighten baking backend.

On Apple silicon devices, Unity substitutes the Progressive GPU Lightmapper for the Enlighten baking backend. On all other devices, Unity selects the CPU Progressive Lightmapper.

To continue using the Enlighten baking back end, open Edit > Project Settings > Editor and in the Graphics section of that menu, activate Enable Enlighten for Baked GI (Legacy). However, this option isn’t available in 2023.1 and later.

Minimum Bounces is not available in the Lighting window

The Minimum Bounces property of the Progressive Lightmapper is no longer available in the Lighting window.

When you upgrade a project to 2022.2, Unity resets the Minimum Bounces value to 2, the recommended number of minimum bounces for lightmapping. To change this value, edit the LightingSettings API property minBounces.

Unity’s default Gradle templates have changed

In 2022.2, Unity updated the default versions of all tools used by Android. The new versions are as follows:

Tool 版本
Cmdline-tools component version 6.0
Build-tools component version 32.0.0
Platform-tools component 32.0.0
Platform (API level) 31 and 32 added by default
Tools component Removed
NDK r23b
Gradle 7.2
Android Gradle Plugin 7.1.2

The update to Gradle version 7.2 changed some build.gradle file configuration options. This required significant changes to Unity’s default gradle templates. Unity won’t attempt to upgrade custom Gradle templates to match the new format which means projects that contain custom template files might fail to build. To solve this, recreate any custom template files based on the new default template files.

For information about the build.gradle configuration option changes, refer to the Android Gradle Plugin release notes.

Navigation and Pathfinding is moving from the Unity core to the AI Navigation package

The package documentation is located here: https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.ai.navigation@latest

If you have projects that were created with the Navigation feature in previous versions of the Unity engine you can do one of the following:

  • Continue to use your projects as they are
  • Convert your projects to use the new package

In either case, the AI Navigation package is automatically installed and added to your project.

To start using the new package you need to convert your project as follows:

  1. Go to Window > AI > NavMesh Updater.
  2. In the NavMesh Updater window, select which kind of data to convert.
  3. Click Initialize Converters to detect and display the types of data you selected.
  4. Select the data to be converted.
  5. Click Convert Assets to complete the conversion.

As part of the conversion process, the NavMesh Updater makes the following changes:

  • Any NavMesh that was previously baked and embedded in the scene is now referenced from a NavMeshSurface component created on a new GameObject called Navigation.
  • Any object that was marked with Navigation Static will now have a NavMeshModifier component with the appropriate settings.

If the NavMeshes in different scenes are baked with different agent settings then you need to create new Agent types to match those settings. To create the Agent types do the following:

  1. Go to Window > AI > Navigation.
  2. Select Agents.
  3. Create new entries and specify the relevant settings.

When you have created the new entries you then need to do the following:

  • Assign the newly created agent types to their respective NavMeshSurfaces in the Navigation created for that scene,
  • Assign the agent types to the NavMeshAgents intended to use that NavMesh.

To find the settings that were used for each existing NavMesh, select the NavMesh .asset file in the Project window. The NavMesh settings is displayed in the Inspector.

If your project uses the NavMeshSurface, NavMeshModifier, NavMeshModifierVolume or NavMeshLink components defined by scripts downloaded from Unity’s NavMeshComponents GitHub repository , then remove those scripts and any associated files before you add the AI Navigation package to your project. If you don’t remove these scripts, you might get conflicts and errors related to these components in the Console. The new components mirror the same behavior as the old components do in your project except when using the following components:

  • The NavMeshSurface component now includes an option to use only the objects that have a NavMeshModifier in the baking process.
  • You can now specify whether or not to apply the NavMeshModifier component to child objects in the hierarchy.

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API updater
Upgrading to Unity 2021 LTS