This version of Unity is unsupported.
Subsystem Registration
Sysroot Linux x64

Sysroot Base

com.unity.sysroot 2019.4 verified 


This is the base sysroot package required by all sysroot and toolchain packages

Version information

Verified for Unity

Package version 1.0.0 is verified for Unity Editor version 2019.4.

Compatible with Unity

These package versions are available in Unity version 2019.4:

Documentation location: State Versions available:
com.unity.sysroot@2.0 compatible 2.0.0, 2.0.2
com.unity.sysroot@1.0 verified 1.0.0
com.unity.sysroot@0.1 preview 0.1.7-preview, 0.1.8-preview, 0.1.9-preview, 0.1.10-preview, 0.1.11-preview, 0.1.12-preview, 0.1.14-preview, 0.1.15-preview, 0.1.16-preview, 0.1.17-preview, 0.1.18-preview, 0.1.19-preview


unity , linux , sysroot

Subsystem Registration
Sysroot Linux x64