Version: 2018.4
Sincronización de estado
Network visibility

Advanced State Synchronization

Note: UNet is deprecated, and will be removed from Unity in the future. A new system is under development. For more information and next steps see this blog post and the FAQ.

In most cases, the use of SyncVars is enough for your game scripts to serialize their state to clients. However in some cases you might require more complex serialization code. This page is only relevant for advanced developers who need customized synchronization solutions that go beyond Unity’s normal SyncVar feature.

Custom Serialization Functions

To perform your own custom serialization, you can implement virtual functions on NetworkBehaviour to be used for SyncVar serialization. These functions are:

public virtual bool OnSerialize(NetworkWriter writer, bool initialState);

public virtual void OnDeSerialize(NetworkReader reader, bool initialState);

Use the initialState flag to differentiate between the first time a GameObject is serialized and when incremental updates can be sent. The first time a GameObject is sent to a client, it must include a full state snapshot, but subsequent updates can save on bandwidth by including only incremental changes. Note that SyncVar hook functions are not called when initialState is true; they are only called for incremental updates.

If a class has SyncVars, then implementations of these functions are added automatically to the class, meaning that a class that has SyncVars cannot also have custom serialization functions.

The OnSerialize function should return true to indicate that an update should be sent. If it returns true, the dirty bits for that script are set to zero. If it returns false, the dirty bits are not changed. This allows multiple changes to a script to be accumulated over time and sent when the system is ready, instead of every frame.

Serialization Flow

GameObjects with the Network Identity component attached can have multiple scripts derived from NetworkBehaviour. The flow for serializing these GameObjects is:

En el servidor:

  • Each NetworkBehaviour has a dirty mask. This mask is available inside OnSerialize as syncVarDirtyBits

  • Each SyncVar in a NetworkBehaviour script is assigned a bit in the dirty mask.

  • Cambiar el valor de SyncVars causa el bit para ese SyncVar en ser configurada en la mask dirty (sucia)

  • Alternatively, calling SetDirtyBit() writes directly to the dirty mask

  • NetworkIdentity GameObjects are checked on the server as part of it’s update loop

  • If any NetworkBehaviours on a NetworkIdentity are dirty, then an UpdateVars packet is created for that GameObject

  • The UpdateVars packet is populated by calling OnSerialize on each NetworkBehaviour on the GameObject

  • NetworkBehaviours that are not dirty write a zero to the packet for their dirty bits

  • NetworkBehaviours that are dirty write their dirty mask, then the values for the SyncVars that have changed

  • If OnSerialize returns true for a NetworkBehaviour, the dirty mask is reset for that NetworkBehaviour, so it does not send again until its value changes.

  • The UpdateVars packet is sent to ready clients that are observing the GameObject

En el cliente:

  • an UpdateVars packet is received for a GameObject

  • The OnDeserialize function is called for each NetworkBehaviour script on the GameObject

  • Each NetworkBehaviour script on the GameObject reads a dirty mask.

  • If the dirty mask for a NetworkBehaviour is zero, the OnDeserialize function returns without reading any more

  • If the dirty mask is non-zero value, then the OnDeserialize function reads the values for the SyncVars that correspond to the dirty bits that are set

  • Si hay funciones hook (enganche) de SyncVar, estas son invocadas con su valor leído del flujo (stream).

Entonces para este script:

public class data : NetworkBehaviour

    public int int1 = 66;

    public int int2 = 23487;

    public string MyString = "Example string";

The following code sample demonstrates the generated OnSerialize function:

public override bool OnSerialize(NetworkWriter writer, bool forceAll)
    if (forceAll)
        // The first time a GameObject is sent to a client, send all the data (and no dirty bits)
        return true;
    bool wroteSyncVar = false;
    if ((base.get_syncVarDirtyBits() & 1u) != 0u)
        if (!wroteSyncVar)
            // Write dirty bits if this is the first SyncVar written
            wroteSyncVar = true;
    if ((base.get_syncVarDirtyBits() & 2u) != 0u)
        if (!wroteSyncVar)
            // Write dirty bits if this is the first SyncVar written
            wroteSyncVar = true;
    if ((base.get_syncVarDirtyBits() & 4u) != 0u)
        if (!wroteSyncVar)
            // Write dirty bits if this is the first SyncVar written
            wroteSyncVar = true;

    if (!wroteSyncVar)
        // Write zero dirty bits if no SyncVars were written
    return wroteSyncVar;

The following code sample demonstrates the OnDeserialize function:

public override void OnDeserialize(NetworkReader reader, bool initialState)
    if (initialState)
        this.int1 = (int)reader.ReadPackedUInt32();
        this.int2 = (int)reader.ReadPackedUInt32();
        this.MyString = reader.ReadString();
    int num = (int)reader.ReadPackedUInt32();
    if ((num & 1) != 0)
        this.int1 = (int)reader.ReadPackedUInt32();
    if ((num & 2) != 0)
        this.int2 = (int)reader.ReadPackedUInt32();
    if ((num & 4) != 0)
        this.MyString = reader.ReadString();

If a NetworkBehaviour has a base class that also has serialization functions, the base class functions should also be called.

Note that the UpdateVar packets created for GameObject state updates may be aggregated in buffers before being sent to the client, so a single transport layer packet may contain updates for multiple GameObjects.

Sincronización de estado
Network visibility