A focused Inspector is a dedicated Inspector window for a specific GameObject, Unity component, or Asset. It always displays the properties of the item you opened it for, even if you select something else in the Scene or Project.
Focused Inspectors work just like regular Inspectors, except for the following differences:
You can open as many focused Inspectors as you want. Focused Inspectors open in floating windows that you can reposition, dock, and resize in the same way you can any other window.
Unity saves any open focused Inspectors when you close a Project, and restores them when you reopen it.
There are several ways to open a focused Inspector, depending on what you’re inspecting.
Unity adds focused Inspectors to the list of open windows (Menu: Window > Panels > [LIST OF OPEN WINDOWS]).
Select a focused Inspector from the list to bring it to the front.
To open a focused Inspector for a single GameObject or Asset:
Alternatively, select the GameObject or Asset and do one of the following:
Unity opens the focused Inspector in a new window.
To open focused Inspectors for multiple GameObjects and/or Assets:
Unity opens a new window with a focused Inspector tab for each selected item.
The image below shows three selected items (left), two GameObjects and one Asset, and the window you get when you open a focused Inspector for them (right).
To open a focused Inspector for one of a GameObject’s components:
This is useful for frequently edited properties. For example you may want to move a GameObject often, but leave the rest of its properties unchanged. In that case, you can open its Transform component.
The image below shows a Camera open in a regular Inspector (1), and its Transform component open in a focused Inspector (2). Notice that the focused Inspector’s tab header displays the name of the GameObject that the component belongs to.
When a GameObject has reference properties, you can open focused Inspectors for the GameObjects or Assets they reference.
You can set up a shortcut to open a focused Inspector for whichever item in the Hierarchy view or Project view that you hover the pointer over.
To assign a keyboard shortcut to the PropertyEditor > OpenMouseOver command, use the Shortcuts Manager.
This is useful when you want to open a focused Inspector for an item without affecting the current selection.
To locate the item whose properties are displayed in a focused Inspector, do one of the following: