Version: 2020.1
言語: 日本語


テキストを連続した Unicode 文字として表現します。

Unity uses the .Net System.String class for strings. See the Microsoft MSDN documentation for Strings for more details.

Note: In c# string is an alias for System.String. This means that you can use either string or String in your code (if you have added using System to the top of your script.) Note: In Javascript strings are represented using String which you should use in your Unity script code. Here are some basic uses of the String class.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour { void Start() { // prints hello string s = "hello"; Debug.Log(s);

// prints hello world s = string.Format("{0} {1}", s, "world"); Debug.Log(s);

// prints helloworld s = string.Concat("hello", "world"); Debug.Log(s);

// prints HELLOWORLD s = s.ToUpper(); Debug.Log(s);

// prints helloworld s = s.ToLower(); Debug.Log(s);

// prints 'e' Debug.Log(s[1]);

// prints 42 int i = 42; s = i.ToString(); Debug.Log(s);

// prints -43 s = "-43"; i = int.Parse(s); Debug.Log(i);

// prints 3.141593 (an approximation) float f = 3.14159265359F; s = f.ToString(); Debug.Log(s);

// prints -7.141593 (an approximation) s = "-7.14159265358979"; f = float.Parse(s); Debug.Log(f); } }

This example shows how you can examine the String class and see the methods it contains.

using System;
using System.Reflection;
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour { void Start() { Type t = typeof(System.String);

// Iterate over all the methods from the System.String class and display // return type and parameters. // This reveals all the things you can do with a String. foreach (MethodInfo mi in t.GetMethods()) { System.String s = System.String.Format("{0} {1} (", mi.ReturnType, mi.Name); ParameterInfo[] pars = mi.GetParameters();

for (int j = 0; j < pars.Length; j++) { s = String.Concat(s, String.Format("{0}{1}", pars[j].ParameterType, ((j == pars.Length - 1) ? "" : ", "))); } s = String.Concat(s, ")"); Debug.Log(s); } } }



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