Version: 2022.1
Get started with UI Toolkit
Interface overview

UI Builder

UI Builder lets you visually create and edit UI assets, such as UI Documents (.uxml), and StyleSheets (.uss), that you use with UI Toolkit.

You can open the UI Builder window by the following:

  • Under the Editor window, select Window > UI Toolkit > UI Builder
  • From the Project window, double-click a .uxml asset.

You can also install the following optional packages that offer additional functionality in UI Builder:

  • The com.unity.vectorgraphics package allows you to assign a VectorImage as a background style on an element.
  • The com.unity.2d.sprite package allows you to assign a 2D Sprite asset (or sub-asset) as a background style on an element. With the 2D Sprite package installed, you can also open the 2D Sprite Editor directly from the Inspector pane.
Topic 描述
Interface overview Understand the UI Builder interface.
Get started with UI Builder Understand the workflow to create UI in UI Builder.
Structure UI Learn how to structure UI controls in your project.
Style UI Learn how to create and manage USS, how to use USS selectors and variables, and how to position elements and set background images.
Test UI Debug your styles and test inside the UI Builder.


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Get started with UI Toolkit
Interface overview