Version: 2022.3
Using Reflection Probes

Types of Reflection Probe

Reflection probes come in three basic types as chosen by the Type property in the inspector (see the component reference page for further details).

  • Baked probes store a reflection cubemap generated (“baked”) within the editor. You can trigger the baking by clicking either the Bake button at the bottom of the Reflection Probe inspector or the Generate Lighting button in the Lighting window. If you have Auto enabled in the Lighting window then baked probes will be updated automatically as you place objects in the Scene view. The reflection from a baked probe can only show objects marked as Reflection Probe Static in the inspector. This indicates to Unity that the objects will not move at runtime.
  • Realtime probes create the cubemap at runtime in the player rather than the editor. This means that the reflections are not limited to static objects and can be updated in real time to show changes in the scene. However, it takes considerable processing time to refresh the view of a probe so it is wise to manage the updates carefully. Unity allows you to trigger updates from a script so you can control exactly when they happen. Also, there is an option to apply timeslicing to probe updates so that they can take place gradually over a few frames.
  • 还可使用自定义 (Custom) 探针。这些探针允许在 Editor 中烘焙视图,就像烘焙探针一样,还能为反射提供自定义的立方体贴图。自定义探针无法在运行时更新。


Baked and Custom Reflection Probes

A Baked Reflection Probe is one whose reflection cubemap is captured in the Unity editor and stored for subsequent usage in the player (see the Reflection Probes Introduction for further information). Once the capture process is complete, the reflections are “frozen” and so baked probes can’t react to runtime changes in the scene caused by moving objects. However, they come with a much lower processing overhead than Realtime Probes (which do react to changes) and are acceptable for many purposes. For example, if there is only a single moving reflective object then it need only reflect its static surroundings.

Using Baked probes

You should set the probe’s Type property to Baked or Custom in order to make it behave as a baked probe (see below for the additional features offered by Custom probes).

The reflections captured by baked probes can only include scene objects marked as Reflection Probe Static (using the Static menu at the top left of the inspector panel for all objects). You can further refine the objects that get included in the reflection cubemap using the Culling Mask and Clipping Planes properties, which work the same way as for a Camera (the probe is essentially like a camera that is rotated to view each of the six cubemap faces).

When the Auto option is switched on (from the Lighting window), the baked reflections will update automatically as you position objects in the scene. If you are not making use of auto baking then you will need to click the Bake button in the Reflection Probe inspector to update the probes. (The Generate Lighting button in the Lighting window will also trigger the probes to update.)

无论使用自动烘焙还是手动烘焙,烘焙过程都将继续在 Editor 中工作时异步进行。但是,如果移动任何静态对象、更改其材质或以其他方式改变其视觉外观,则会重新启动烘焙过程。

Custom Probes


The Dynamic Objects property on a custom probe’s inspector allows objects that are not marked as Reflection Probe Static to be included in the reflection cubemap.

Note: The positions of these objects are still “frozen” in the reflection at the time of baking.

The Cubemap property allows you to assign your own cubemap to the probe and therefore make it completely independent of what it can “see” from its view point. You could use this, say, to set a skybox or a cubemap generated from your 3D modelling app as the source for reflections.

Realtime Probes


Using Realtime Probes

To enable a probe to update at runtime, you should set its Type property to Realtime in the Reflection Probe Inspector. You don’t need to mark objects as Reflection Probe Static to capture their reflections (as you would with a baked probe). However, you can selectively exclude objects from the reflection cubemap using the Culling Mask and Clipping Planes properties, which work the same way as for a Camera (the probe is essentially like a camera that is rotated to view each of the six cubemap faces).

In the editor, real-time probes have much the same workflow as baked probes, although they tend to render more quickly.

Note: Currently, real-time probes will only update their reflections in the Scene view when Reflection Probe Static objects are moved or change their appearance. This means that moving dynamic objects won’t cause an update even though those objects appear in the reflection. You should choose the Bake Reflection Probes option from the Generate Lighting button dropdown in the Lighting window to update reflections when a dynamic object is changed.

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Using Reflection Probes