Version: 2020.1
言語: 日本語
public static bool Foldout (bool foldout, string content, bool toggleOnLabelClick, GUIStyle style= EditorStyles.foldout);
public static bool Foldout (bool foldout, GUIContent content, bool toggleOnLabelClick, GUIStyle style= EditorStyles.foldout);
public static bool Foldout (bool foldout, string content, GUIStyle style= EditorStyles.foldout);
public static bool Foldout (bool foldout, GUIContent content, GUIStyle style= EditorStyles.foldout);


foldout 表示されている折り畳みの状態
content 表示するラベル
style オプションの GUIStyle
toggleOnLabelClick Specifies whether clicking the label toggles the foldout state. The default value is false. Set to true to include the label in the clickable area.


bool ユーザーによって選択された折り畳みの状態。 True の場合、サブオブジェクトを表示する必要があります。




Foldout in an Editor Window.

// Create a foldable menu that hides/shows the selected transform position.
// If no Transform is selected, the Foldout item will be folded until
// a transform is selected.

using UnityEditor; using UnityEngine;

public class FoldoutUsage : EditorWindow { bool showPosition = true; string status = "Select a GameObject";

[MenuItem("Examples/Foldout Usage")] static void Init() { FoldoutUsage window = (FoldoutUsage)GetWindow(typeof(FoldoutUsage)); window.Show(); }

public void OnGUI() { showPosition = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(showPosition, status); if (showPosition) if (Selection.activeTransform) { Selection.activeTransform.position = EditorGUILayout.Vector3Field("Position", Selection.activeTransform.position); status =; }

if (!Selection.activeTransform) { status = "Select a GameObject"; showPosition = false; } }

public void OnInspectorUpdate() { this.Repaint(); } }

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