Version: 2023.2
Language : English
Optimize your Web build
Recommended Player settings to optimize your Web build

Recommended Graphics settings to optimize your Web build

Use the following recommended Graphics settings to optimize your builds for the Unity Web platform.

Find these settings under Edit > Project Settings > Graphics. For more information on each setting, refer to the details in Graphics.

Setting Recommended setting Description
Lightmap modes Automatic (default) Automatically strip variants that aren’t used.
Fog modes Automatic (default) Automatically strip variants that aren’t used.
Instancing Variants Strip Unused (default) Only include a shaderA program that runs on the GPU. More info
See in Glossary
variant if at least one material uses that variant.
BatchRendererGroup Variants Strip all Removes all BatchRendererGroup shader variants.
Always Included Shaders Remove any shaders from this list that aren’t used in your project

Lightmap Modes

Use the LightmapA pre-rendered texture that contains the effects of light sources on static objects in the scene. Lightmaps are overlaid on top of scene geometry to create the effect of lighting. More info
See in Glossary
setting to change the shader variant stripping behavior for lightmap-related shaders. For examples of lightmap-related shader variants, refer to Graphics.

The recommended setting for each of these settings is Automatic (default), which removes any shader variants that aren’t used in your build. This setting is useful because if you don’t strip unused shaders, it can increase build times, file size and memory usage.

Fog Modes

Use the Fog Modes setting to change the shader variant stripping behavior for shaders that relate to built-in Unity fog effect. For examples of fog shader variants and more information, refer to Graphics.

The recommended setting is Automatic (Default), which removes unused fog shaders from your build. It’s best to remove unused shaders because they can increase build times, file size and memory usage.

Instancing Variants

Use the Instancing Variants setting to change how much Unity should strip shader variants for GPU instancing. For more information, refer to Graphics.

The recommended setting is Strip Unused, which removes any instancing variant shaders that your project doesn’t use. It’s best to remove unused shaders because they can increase build times, file size and memory usage.

To keep some unused shaders for future use or for other shaders to reference them, choose Keep All instead.

Batch renderer group variants

Use the Batch renderer group variants setting to change the shader variant stripping behavior for shaders related to batch renderer groups (BRGs). For more information about BRGs, refer to BatchRendererGroup.

If your project doesn’t use BRGs, set Batch renderer group variants to Strip all, which removes all BRG shader variants. Unused shaders can increase build times, file size and memory usage. If your project uses BRGs, ignore this recommendation.

Always included shaders

Always included shaders is a list of shaders for which Unity includes all possible variants in every build. If your project doesn’t use any of the shaders in the list, it’s best to remove them from the list because unused shaders can increase build times, file size and memory usage.

For more information, refer to Graphics.

Edit the Always included shaders list via C

To change the Always included shaders list via script instead, create a list of shaders you want to have in the list and assign it like this:

GraphicsSettings.alwaysIncludedShaders = newShadersList.ToArray();

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Optimize your Web build
Recommended Player settings to optimize your Web build