Version: 2020.1
使用 Asset Store


Import assets acquired from the Unity Asset Store using the Package Manager.

Unity Standard Assets and items on the Unity Asset Store are supplied in asset packages. Asset packages are collections of files and data from Unity projects, or elements of projects, which Unity compresses and stores in one file with the .unitypackage extension. Like a zip file, an asset package maintains its original directory structure when it is unpacked, as well as metadata about assets (such as import settings and links to other assets).

Starting from Unity 2020.1, the dedicated Asset Store window is no longer hosted inside the Unity Editor. However, you can still access the Asset Store website at and you can still search for your purchased and downloaded Asset Store packages, as well as import and download them directly in the Package Manager window.

To purchase an Asset Store package from Unity or a third-party publisher, start by searching the Unity Asset Store to find asset packages that meet your needs. When you find an asset package you want to use, purchase or download it in the Asset Store. You can also make it easier to locate packages by organizing your assets with labels and hiding Asset Store packages that are deprecated or unused.

在 Unity Package Manager 中,选择 My Assets 筛选条件以查看您可用 Asset Store 资源包的列表。可按名称搜索 Asset Store 资源包。找到要使用的 Asset Store 资源包后,可将资源包下载并导入到 Package Manager 中。如果 Asset Store 资源包具有可用的较新版本,也可以直接在 Package Manager 窗口中对其进行更新

To create your own (custom) asset package, you can:

To import a local custom asset package into your project:

  • 使用 Assets > Import Package 菜单选项将资源集合解压到您当前打开的 Unity 项目中。有关更多信息,请参阅导入资源包


可使用 Package Manager 窗口来管理项目中的 Asset Store 资源包。但是,如果您需要直接访问您的资源文件,您可以在以下路径中找到它们(根据您的计算机设置,这些文件可能位于隐藏文件夹中):

  • macOS: ~/Library/Unity/Asset Store-5.x
  • Windows: C:\Users\accountName\AppData\Roaming\Unity\Asset Store-5.x

这些文件夹包含与特定 Asset Store 供应商对应的子文件夹,并在下载和导入后变为可用状态。资源文件以 Asset Store 资源包发布者定义的结构包含在子文件夹中。

  • 在 Unity 2019.3 中添加了 My Assets 筛选条件 NewIn20193
  • 重新安装标准资源, 升级标准资源, 升级 Standard Assets, 安装标准资源, 安装 Standard Assets, 导入标准资源, 导入 Standard Assets

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使用 Asset Store