Version: 2023.1
言語: 日本語


class in UnityEditor.EditorTools





Registers an EditorTool as either a Global tool or a Component tool for a specific target type.

A Global tool works on any selection. A Global tool is also always available from the top toolbar. A Component tool, like a CustomEditor, is only available for selections that match a target type.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditor.EditorTools;
using UnityEngine.Rendering;

// By passing `typeof(MeshFilter)` as the second argument, we register VertexTool as a CustomEditor tool to be presented // when the current selection contains a MeshFilter component. [EditorTool("Show Vertices", typeof(MeshFilter))] class VertexTool : EditorTool { struct TransformAndPositions { public Transform transform; public Vector3[] positions; }

IEnumerable<TransformAndPositions> m_Vertices; GUIContent m_ToolbarIcon;

public override GUIContent toolbarIcon { get { if (m_ToolbarIcon == null) m_ToolbarIcon = new GUIContent( AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<Texture2D>("Assets/Examples/Icons/VertexTool.png"), "Vertex Visualization Tool"); return m_ToolbarIcon; } }

void OnEnable() { EditorTools.activeToolChanged += ActiveToolDidChange; }

void OnDisable() { EditorTools.activeToolChanged -= ActiveToolDidChange; }

void ActiveToolDidChange() { if (!EditorTools.IsActiveTool(this)) return;

m_Vertices = targets.Select(x => { return new TransformAndPositions() { transform = ((MeshFilter)x).transform, positions = ((MeshFilter)x).sharedMesh.vertices }; }).ToArray(); }

public override void OnToolGUI(EditorWindow window) { var evt = Event.current;

if (evt.type == EventType.Repaint) { var zTest = Handles.zTest; Handles.zTest = CompareFunction.LessEqual;

foreach (var entry in m_Vertices) { foreach (var vertex in entry.positions) { var world = entry.transform.TransformPoint(vertex); Handles.DotHandleCap(0, world, Quaternion.identity, HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(world) * .05f, evt.type); } }

Handles.zTest = zTest; } } }


EditorToolAttributeRegisters an EditorTool as either a Global tool or a CustomEditor tool.


Static 変数

defaultPriorityThe default value for EditorToolAttribute.toolPriority and EditorToolAttribute.variantPriority. Specify a priority lower than this value display a tool before the default entries, or specify a higher value to display it after the default entries.


displayNameThe name that displays in menus.
targetContextIf provided, the EditorTool will only be made available when the ToolManager.activeContextType is equal to targetContext.
targetTypeSet to the type that this EditorTool or EditorToolContext can edit. Set to null if the tool is not specific to a Component and should be available at any time.
toolPriorityTool priority defines the order that tools are displayed in within the Tools Overlay.
variantGroupTool variants are used to group logically similar tools into a single button in the Tools Overlay.
variantPriorityVariant priority defines the order that tools are displayed when shown in a EditorToolAttribute.variantGroup dropdown.

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