User build settings for the Editor
activeBuildTarget | The currently active build target. |
activeScriptCompilationDefines | DEFINE directives for the compiler. |
allowDebugging | Enable source-level debuggers to connect. |
androidBuildSubtarget | Android platform options. |
androidCreateSymbolsZip | Set to true to create a file in the same location as the .apk or .aab file. |
androidETC2Fallback | ETC2 texture decompression fallback on Android devices that don't support ETC2. |
buildAppBundle | Set to true to build an Android App Bundle (aab file) instead of an apk. The default value is false. |
buildScriptsOnly | Is build script only enabled. |
buildWithDeepProfilingSupport | Enables Deep Profiling support in the player. |
compressFilesInPackage | Compress files in package. |
compressWithPsArc | Build data compressed with PSArc. |
connectProfiler | Start the player with a connection to the profiler. |
development | Enables a development build. |
enableHeadlessMode | Whether the standalone player is built in headless mode. |
explicitArrayBoundsChecks | Are array bounds actively validated? |
explicitDivideByZeroChecks | Are divide by zero's actively validated? |
explicitNullChecks | Are null references actively validated? |
exportAsGoogleAndroidProject | Export Android Project for use with Android Studio/Gradle. |
forceInstallation | Force installation of package, even if error. |
installInBuildFolder | Place the built player in the build folder. |
iOSBuildConfigType | Scheme with which the project will be run in Xcode. |
movePackageToDiscOuterEdge | Places the package on the outer edge of the disk. |
needSubmissionMaterials | Build submission materials. |
ps4BuildSubtarget | PS4 Build Subtarget. |
ps4HardwareTarget | Specifies which version of PS4 hardware to target. |
selectedBuildTargetGroup | The currently selected build target group. |
selectedStandaloneTarget | The currently selected target for a standalone build. |
streamingInstallLaunchRange | When building an Xbox One Streaming Install package (makepkg.exe) The layout generation code in Unity will assign each Scene and associated assets to individual chunks. Unity will mark Scene 0 as being part of the launch range, IE the set of chunks required to launch the game, you may include additional Scenes in this launch range if you desire, this specifies a range of Scenes (starting at 0) to be included in the launch set. |
symlinkLibraries | Symlink runtime libraries with an iOS Xcode project. |
waitForManagedDebugger | Instructs the player to wait for managed debugger to attach before executing any script code. |
waitForPlayerConnection | Sets the Player to wait for player connection on player start. |
windowsDevicePortalAddress | Specifies the Windows DevicePortal connection address of the device to deploy and launch the UWP app on when using Build and Run. |
windowsDevicePortalPassword | Specifies the Windows DevicePortal password for the device to deploy and launch the UWP app on when using Build and Run. |
windowsDevicePortalUsername | Specifies the Windows DevicePortal username for the device to deploy and launch the UWP app on when using Build and Run. |
wsaBuildAndRunDeployTarget | Sets and gets the Windows device to launch the UWP app when using Build and Run. |
wsaSubtarget | Sets and gets target device type for the application to run on when building to Windows Store platform. |
wsaUWPBuildType | The build type for the Universal Windows Platform. |
wsaUWPSDK | Sets and gets target UWP SDK to build Windows Store application against. |
wsaUWPVisualStudioVersion | Sets and gets Visual Studio version to build Windows Store application with. |
xboxBuildSubtarget | Xbox Build subtarget. |
xboxOneDeployDrive | The currently selected Xbox One Deploy Drive. |
xboxOneDeployMethod | The currently selected Xbox One Deploy Method. |
xboxOneRebootIfDeployFailsAndRetry | Sets the XBox to reboot and redeploy when the deployment fails. |
GetBuildLocation | Get the current location for the build. |
GetPlatformSettings | Returns value for platform specifc Editor setting. |
SetBuildLocation | Set a new location for the build. |
SetPlatformSettings | Set platform specifc Editor setting. |
SwitchActiveBuildTarget | Select a new build target to be active. |
SwitchActiveBuildTargetAsync | Select a new build target to be active during the next Editor update. |
hideFlags | Should the object be hidden, saved with the Scene or modifiable by the user? |
name | The name of the object. |
GetInstanceID | Returns the instance id of the object. |
ToString | Returns the name of the object. |
Destroy | Removes a GameObject, component or asset. |
DestroyImmediate | Destroys the object obj immediately. You are strongly recommended to use Destroy instead. |
DontDestroyOnLoad | Do not destroy the target Object when loading a new Scene. |
FindObjectOfType | Returns the first active loaded object of Type type. |
FindObjectsOfType | Gets a list of all loaded objects of Type type. |
Instantiate | Clones the object original and returns the clone. |
bool | Does the object exist? |
operator != | Compares if two objects refer to a different object. |
operator == | Compares two object references to see if they refer to the same object. |
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