Version: 2020.1
public static PackageManager.Requests.SearchRequest Search (string packageIdOrName);
public static PackageManager.Requests.SearchRequest Search (string packageIdOrName, bool offlineMode);


packageIdOrName 包的名称或 ID。
offlineMode 指定 Package Manager 是否从远程 Unity 包注册表请求有关项目包的最新信息。当 offlineModetrue 时,Package Manager 返回的 PackageInfo 对象包含从本地包缓存获取的信息,这些信息可能已经过时。


SearchRequest 一个 SearchRequest 实例,可用于监控异步操作,并在操作完成时获取结果。


搜索 Unity 包注册表以获取给定的包。

This operation issues a request to the official Unity package registry.
Note: Make sure any other Client operations have completed before calling this method. For more information, see the note on the Client class reference page.