と UnityEditor.UIElements
名前空間で使用可能な UXML 要素をまとめた表です。
Element | Function | Namespace | Permitted child elements | Attributes |
VisualElement |
The base class for all visual elements. | UnityEngine.UIElements |
Any number of VisualElement
class : A list of space separated names.style : USS directives to style the element.name : A unique string identifier for this element.picking-mode : Set to Position or Ignore . The default value is Position .tooltip : When the mouse hovers the element a string displays.focusable : A boolean that indicates whether the element is focusable. The default is set to false (not focusable). This replaces the obsolete focus-index element.tabindex : An integer that defines the tabbing position of the element and the position in the tree. A positive value increases tabbing priority. The default is 0. This replaces the obsolete focus-index element.view-data-key : A string that defines the key used for serialization of the element.This element also accepts any other attribute. |
BindableElement |
An element that can be bound to a SerializedProperty . The value of the property and the value displayed are synchronized. |
UnityEngine.UIElements |
Any number of VisualElement
binding-path : The path of the property that this element is bound to. |
Element | Function | Namespace | Permitted child elements | Attributes |
Box |
This element is similar to VisualElement but draws a box around its content. |
UnityEngine.UIElements |
Any number of VisualElement
All attributes of VisualElement
TextElement |
An element that displays text. | UnityEngine.UIElements |
None | All attributes of VisualElement text : The text the element should display. |
Label |
A text label. | UnityEngine.UIElements |
None | All attributes of TextElement
Image |
Displays an image. | UnityEngine.UIElements |
None | All attributes of VisualElement
IMGUIContainer |
Draws IMGUI content | UnityEngine.UIElements |
None | All attributes of VisualElement focus-index default value is 0 focusable default value is true
Foldout |
An element that has a toggle button to show or hide its content. | UnityEngine.UIElements |
Any number of VisualElement
All attributes of BindableElement
Element | Function | Namespace | Permitted child elements | Attributes |
Template |
A reference to another UXML template that can be instantiated using the Instance element. |
UnityEngine.UIElements |
None |
name : A unique string identifier for this elementpath : The path of the UXML file to load |
Instance |
Instance of a Template
UnityEngine.UIElements |
None |
template : The name of the Template to instantiate |
TemplateContainer |
A template container. | UnityEngine.UIElements |
None | All attributes of BindableElement template : A string identifier for this template |
Element | Function | Namespace | Permitted child elements | Attributes |
BaseField<T> |
The abstract base class of all fields. | UnityEngine.UIElements |
None | All attributes of BindableElement focus-index default value is 0 focusable default value is true label : The text of the label that is associated with the field |
BaseFieldTraits<ValueType, UxmlType> |
UnityEngine.UIElements |
None | All attributes of BaseField<ValueType> value : The base value of the field, of type ValueType
Button |
A standard push button. | UnityEngine.UIElements |
None | All attributes of TextElement
RepeatButton |
A button that executes an action repeatedly while pressed. | UnityEngine.UIElements |
None | All attributes of TextElement delay : The initial delay in milliseconds before the element executes the action is executed. The default value is 0 interval : The interval in milliseconds between repeating each action. The default value is 0
Toggle |
A toggle button, displayed as a checkbox. | UnityEngine.UIElements |
None | All attributes of BaseFieldTraits<bool, UxmlBoolAttributeDescription> text : Right side label of the toggle. |
Scroller |
A scroll bar. | UnityEngine.UIElements |
None | All attributes of VisualElement low-value : The minimum value of the scrollerhigh-value : The maximum value of the scrollerdirection : Set to Horizontal or Vertical . The default is Vertical .value : The position of the scroller cursor |
Slider |
A slider. | UnityEngine.UIElements |
None | All attributes of BaseFieldTraits<float, UxmlFloatAttributeDescription> low-value : The minimum value of the sliderhigh-value : The maximum value of the sliderdirection : Set to Horizontal or Vertical . The default is Horizontal .page-size : The page size of the slider |
SliderInt |
A slider for integer values. | UnityEngine.UIElements |
None | All attributes of BaseFieldTraits<int, UxmlIntAttributeDescription> low-value : The minimum value of the sliderhigh-value : The maximum value of the sliderdirection : Set to Horizontal or Vertical . The default is Horizontal .page-size : The page size of the slider |
MinMaxSlider |
A slider that lets the user specify a minimum and a maximum value. | UnityEngine.UIElements |
None | All attributes of BaseField<Vector2> low-limit : The minimum value of the scrollerhigh-limit : The maximum value of the scrollermin-value : The minimum value of the slider cursormax-value : The maximum value of the slider cursor |
EnumField |
A field that takes the string values of an underlying Enum . |
UnityEditor.UIElements |
None | All attributes of BaseField<Enum> type : A string representing the C# type of the underlying Enum . If the type is in a user assembly, the assembly name must be added to the type name: MyNamespace.MyEnum, MyAssembly . The type string is always required. value : A string that represents the value of the field |
MaskField |
A popup menu that the user can select a group of values from. | UnityEditor.UIElements |
None | All attributes of BaseField<int> choices : A comma separated list of up to 32 choices to display in the popup menuvalue : An integer that represents the value of the field as a 32-bit mask. |
LayerField |
A popup menu that the user can select a layer from. | UnityEditor.UIElements |
None | All attributes of BaseField<int> value : An integer that represents the value of the field (the selected layer number). |
LayerMaskField |
A popup menu that the user can select a group of layers from. | UnityEditor.UIElements |
None | All attributes of MaskField
TagField |
A popup menu that the user can select a tag from. | UnityEditor.UIElements |
None | All attributes of BaseField<string> value : A string that represents the value of the field (the selected tag name). |
ProgressBar |
A progress bar that shows the progression of an operation. | UnityEditor.UIElements |
None | All attributes of BindableElement low-value : A float that represents the lowest value of the progress bar. The default is 0.high-value : A float that represents the highest value of the progress bar. The default is 100.title : A string that represents the title of the progress bar. |
Element | Function | Namespace | Permitted child elements | Attributes |
TextInputBaseField<TValueType> |
An abstract base class for all text fields. | UnityEngine.UIElements |
None | All attributes of BaseFieldTraits<string, UxmlStringAttributeDescription> text : The text value of the fieldmax-length : The maximum number of characters that the field can contain. Default value of -1 sets no limits on the text length.password : A boolean that indicates whether the field content should be shown or displayed using the maskCharacter character. false is the default setting.mask-character : A character that displays the field content when password is true . Default is the character * .readonly : A boolean that indicates that the field is read-only. The default value is false
TextField |
An editable text field. | UnityEngine.UIElements |
None | All attributes of TextInputBaseField<string> multiline : A boolean that indicates whether the text field displays its text on multiple lines. Set to true to display on multiple lines, or set to false to display or on a single line, ignoring any line break in the text. false is the default. |
IntegerField |
A text field that accepts an integer (32-bit) value. | UnityEditor.UIElements |
None | All attributes of BaseFieldTraits<int, UxmlIntAttributeDescription>
LongField |
A text field that accepts a long integer (64 bits) value. | UnityEditor.UIElements |
None | All attributes of BaseFieldTraits<long, UxmlLongAttributeDescription>
FloatField |
A text field that accepts a single precision floating point value. | UnityEditor.UIElements |
None | All attributes of BaseFieldTraits<float, UxmlFloatAttributeDescription>
DoubleField |
A text field that accepts a double precision floating point value. | UnityEditor.UIElements |
None | All attributes of BaseFieldTraits<double, UxmlDoubleAttributeDescription>
Vector2Field |
A set of two text fields that accept floating point values to edit the value of a Vector2 . |
UnityEditor.UIElements |
None | All attributes of BaseField<Vector2> x : The value of the X coordinatey : The value of the Y coordinate |
Vector2IntField |
A set of two text fields that accept integer values to edit the value of a Vector2Int . |
UnityEditor.UIElements |
None | All attributes of BaseField<Vector2Int> x : The value of the X coordinatey : The value of the Y coordinate |
Vector3Field |
A set of three text fields that accept floating point values to edit the value of a Vector3 . |
UnityEditor.UIElements |
None | All attributes of BaseField<Vector3> x : The value of the X coordinatey : The value of the Y coordinatez : The value of the Z coordinate |
Vector3IntField |
A set of three text fields that accept integer values to edit the value of a Vector3Int . |
UnityEditor.UIElements |
None | All attributes of BaseField<Vector3Int> x : The value of the X coordinatey : The value of the Y coordinatez : The value of the Z coordinate |
Vector4Field |
A set of four text fields that accept floating point values to edit the value of a Vector4 . |
UnityEditor.UIElements |
None | All attributes of BaseField<Vector4> x : The value of the X coordinatey : The value of the Y coordinatez : The value of the Z coordinatew : The value of the W coordinate |
RectField |
A set of four text fields that accept floating point values to edit the value of a rectangle. | UnityEditor.UIElements |
None | All attributes of BaseField<Rect> x : The value of the top left corner X coordinatey : The value of the top left corner Y coordinatew : The width of the rectangleh : the height of the rectangle |
RectIntField |
A set of four text fields that accept integer values to edit the value of a rectangle. | UnityEditor.UIElements |
None | All attributes of BaseField<RectInt> x : The value of the top left corner X coordinatey : The value of the top left corner Y coordinatew : The width of the rectangleh : the height of the rectangle |
BoundsField |
A set of six text fields that accept floating point values to edit the value of a bounding rectangle. | UnityEditor.UIElements |
None | All attributes of BaseField<Bounds> cx : The value of the center X coordinatecy : The value of the center Y coordinatecz : The value of the center Z coordinateex : The value of the extent X coordinateey : The value of the extent Y coordinateez : The value of the extent Z coordinate |
BoundsIntField |
A set of six text fields that accept integer values to edit the value of a bounding rectangle. | UnityEditor.UIElements |
None | All attributes of BaseField<BoundsInt> px : The value of the position X coordinatepy : The value of the postion Y coordinatepz : The value of the position Z coordinatesx : The value of the size X coordinatesy : The value of the size Y coordinatesz : The value of the size Z coordinate |
Element | Function | Namespace | Permitted child elements | Attributes |
PropertyField |
A label and a field to edit a value. | UnityEditor.UIElements |
None | All attributes of VisualElement binding-path : The path of the property this element is bound tolabel : The label for the field |
PropertyControl<int> |
A label and a field to edit a value of type int . |
UnityEditor.UIElements |
None | All attributes of BaseField<int> value-type : A string that represents the type of valuevalue : The value for the field |
PropertyControl<long> |
A label and a field to edit a value of type long . |
UnityEditor.UIElements |
None | All attributes of BaseField<long> value-type : A string that represents the type of valuevalue : The value for the field |
PropertyControl<float> |
A label and a field to edit a value of type float . |
UnityEditor.UIElements |
None | All attributes of BaseField<float> value-type : A string that represents the type of valuevalue : The value for the field |
PropertyControl<double> |
A label and a field to edit a value of type double . |
UnityEditor.UIElements |
None | All attributes of BaseField<double> value-type : A string that represents the type of valuevalue : The value for the field |
PropertyControl<string> |
A label and a field to edit a value of type string . |
UnityEditor.UIElements |
None | All attributes of BaseField<string> value-type : A string that represents the type of valuevalue : The value for the field |
ColorField |
A color picker field. | UnityEditor.UIElements |
None | All attributes of BaseFieldTraits<Color, UxmlColorAttributeDescription> show-eye-dropper : A boolean that indicates whether to show the eye dropper or not. Set to true to display the eye dropper, and false to hide it. By default this is set to true .show-alpha : A boolean that indicates whether to show the alpha control. Set to true to show the control or false to hide it. By default this is set to true .hdr : A boolean that indicates whether to use the high dynamic range color picker. Set to true to use the picker. By default this is set to false . |
CurveField |
A curve editor field. | UnityEditor.UIElements |
None | All attributes of BaseField<AnimationCurve>
GradientField |
A gradient editor field. | UnityEditor.UIElements |
None | All attributes of BaseField<Gradient>
ObjectField |
An object selector field. | UnityEditor.UIElements |
None | All attributes of BaseField<Object> allow-scene-objects : A boolean that indicates whether objects from the scene can be selected. Set to true to enable object selection or false disable it. By default this is set to true . |
InspectorElement |
An element that displays a property in an inspector window. | UnityEditor.UIElements |
Any number of VisualElement
All attributes of BindableElement
Element | Function | Namespace | Permitted child elements | Attributes |
Toolbar |
A container to hold toolbar items. | UnityEditor.UIElements |
Any VisualElement
All attributes of VisualElement
ToolbarButton |
A button for the toolbar. | UnityEditor.UIElements |
None | All attributes of Button
ToolbarToggle |
A toggle for the toolbar. | UnityEditor.UIElements |
None | All attributes of Toggle
ToolbarMenu |
A drop down menu for the toolbar. The menu has a single arrow pointing down. | UnityEditor.UIElements |
None | All attributes of TextElement
ToolbarSearchField |
A search field for the toolbar. | UnityEditor.UIElements |
None | All attributes of VisualElement
ToolbarPopupSearchField |
A search field with a popup menu of search options. | UnityEditor.UIElements |
None | All attributes of VisualElement
ToolbarSpacer |
An element that inserts a fixed amount of whitespace between toolbar buttons. | UnityEditor.UIElements |
None | All attributes of VisualElement
Element | Function | Namespace | Permitted child elements | Attributes |
ListView |
Displays a list of elements. | UnityEngine.UIElements |
None | All attributes of VisualElement item-height : The height in pixels of each item in the list |
ScrollView |
A scrollable view, with horizontal and vertical scrollers. | UnityEngine.UIElements |
Any number of VisualElement
All attributes of VisualElement mode : the mode of the scroll view. By default this is set to ScrollViewMode.Vertical show-horizontal-scroller : A boolean that indicates whether to show the horizontal scroller. By default this is set to false show-vertical-scroller : A boolean that indicates whether to show the vertical scroller. By default this is set to false horizontal-page-size : The page size value of the horizontal scrollervertical-page-size : The page size of the vertical scroller |
TreeView |
A view for displaying elements in a tree hierarchy. | UnityEngine.UIElements |
Any number of VisualElement
All attributes of VisualElement item-height : The height of an item in the underlying list shown |
PopupWindow |
A UIElements window, displayed on top of other content. | UnityEditor.UIElements |
None | All attributes of TextElement
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