

Understanding the SkyManager

Unity includes a dedicated manager—the SkyManager—to ensure that environment lighting affects your sceneA Scene contains the environments and menus of your game. Think of each unique Scene file as a unique level. In each Scene, you place your environments, obstacles, and decorations, essentially designing and building your game in pieces. More info
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by default. The SkyManager automatically generates an ambient probe and default reflection probe to capture environment lighting.

Unity updates these probes each time environment lighting in your scene changes, until the moment you generate lighting. After you generate lighting, Unity bakes the current environment light values into the probes.

When you specifically use the Generate Lighting control to manually bake your lighting, Unity stops updating the probes from that point onward and only updates them again at the next bake. If you want Unity to continue to update the probes each time the environment lighting changes, enable the Auto Generate option.

If you remove the Lighting Data Asset from your project, Unity continues to update the probes each time the environment lighting changes.

Disabling the SkyManager

To prevent the environment contribution from automatically affecting the lighting result for a scene or GameObjectThe fundamental object in Unity scenes, which can represent characters, props, scenery, cameras, waypoints, and more. A GameObject’s functionality is defined by the Components attached to it. More info
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that does not have manually created light maps and Light ProbesLight probes store information about how light passes through space in your scene. A collection of light probes arranged within a given space can improve lighting on moving objects and static LOD scenery within that space. More info
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, disable the default Reflection ProbeA rendering component that captures a spherical view of its surroundings in all directions, rather like a camera. The captured image is then stored as a Cubemap that can be used by objects with reflective materials. More info
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and the ambient probe.

To disable these probes, navigate to Window > Rendering > Lighting Settings > Environment, then make one of the following changes:

  • Option 1: Set Intensity Multiplier to 0.
  • Option 2: Use a black SkyboxA special type of Material used to represent skies. Usually six-sided. More info
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  • Option 3: Set either the Color or Gradient for the Source to black.

Disable the SkyManager for all scenes

To prevent the environment contribution from automatically affecting the lighting result for all scenes, navigate to Window > Rendering > Lighting Settings > Scene, then disable Recalculate Environment Lighting.

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