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class in UnityEditor.UIElements


Provides VisualElement extension methods that implement data binding between INotivyValueChanged fields and SerializedObjects.

Static Properties

prefabOverrideUssClassName USS class added to element when in prefab override mode.

Static Methods

Bind Binds a SerializedObject to fields in the element hierarchy.
BindProperty Binds a property to a field and synchronizes their values. This method finds the property using the field's binding path.
TrackPropertyValue Checks the property values for changes at regular intervals. Executes the callback when the property value changes. If no callback is specified, a SerializedPropertyChangeEvent is sent to the target element.
TrackSerializedObjectValue Checks the object for changes at regular intervals. Executes the callback when the object value changes. If no callback is specified, a SerializedObjectChangeEvent is sent to the target element.
Unbind Disconnects all properties bound to fields in the element's hierarchy.