Version: 2022.2
  • C#


class in UnityEngine


Implemented in:UnityEngine.CoreModule

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Script interface for texture mipmap limit groups.

Use this class to add, remove or detect texture mipmap limit groups in C#.

See Also: TextureMipmapLimitSettings, QualitySettings.globalTextureMipmapLimit.

Static Methods

CreateGroup(Editor Only) Attempts to create a texture mipmap limit group with the indicated groupName.
GetGroupsRetrieves a string array containing the name of all texture mipmap limit groups available in the project.
HasGroupChecks whether a texture mipmap limit group with the indicated groupName exists in the project. This operation fails and throws an exception if groupName is null.
RemoveGroup(Editor Only) Attempts to remove a texture mipmap limit group with the indicated groupName.