
Light Probe Group

要将光照探针置于场景中,必须使用已附加 Light Probe Group 组件的游戏对象。可从菜单 Component > Rendering > Light Probe Group 添加 Light Probe Group 组件。

可将 Light Probe Group 组件添加到场景中的任何游戏对象。但是,最好创建一个新的空游戏对象(菜单:__GameObject > Create Empty__),然后将该组件添加到这个游戏对象,从而降低意外将该组件从项目中移除的可能性。





  • 在 Light Probe Group 组件中,启用 Remove Ringing。Unity 会自动移除意外的光斑。但是,这种方法通常会使光照探针不太准确,并会降低光线对比度,因此您必须检查视觉效果。
  • 可通过这样的方式放置游戏中的障碍物,使玩家无法到达他们可以看到光斑的位置。
  • 避免将直射光烘焙到光照探针中。直射光往往具有明显的不连续性(例如阴影边缘),因此不适合光照探针。要仅烘焙间接光,请使用混合光照


To move, add or remove Light Probes in a Light Probe Group, do the following:

  1. Select the Light Probe Group in the Hierarchy window or the Scene view.
  2. In the Scene view, in the Tools overlay, select the Edit Light Probe Group tool.

编辑 Light Probe Group 时,可按照与游戏对象类似的方式来操作单个光照探针。但是,光照探针不是游戏对象,而是 Light Probe Group 组件中的一组点。

开始编辑新的 Light Probe Group 时,从一个立方体中排列的八个探针的默认编队开始,如下所示:


You can use the controls in the Edit Light Probe Group tool to add new probe positions to the group. The probes appear in the Scene as yellow spheres which you can position in the same way as GameObjects. You can also select and duplicate individual probes or in groups, using the keyboard shortcuts for duplicating (Ctrl+D or Cmd+D), or copying and pasting.






定位光照探针的最简单方法是将它们排列成常规 3D 网格图案。虽然此设置简单有效,但可能会消耗不必要的内存,并可能有大量冗余的光照探针。例如,在以上场景中,如果沿着道路放置大量光照探针,将会浪费资源。光照沿着道路的长度不会发生太大变化,因此许多光照探针将大多数相同的光照数据存储到相邻光照探针中。在此类情况下,通过在稀疏光照探针之间插入此光照数据,效率会高得多。

光照探针不会单独存储大量信息。从技术角度来看,每个探针都是来自采样点的球形全景 HDR 图像,使用存储为 27 个浮点值的球谐函数 L2 进行编码。然而,在具有数百个光照探针的大型场景中,这些探针可以累加,而设置密集度过高的光照探针可能导致游戏中大量内存浪费。


即使游戏位于 2D 平面上(例如,在路面上行驶的汽车),光照探针也必须形成 3D 体积。



在右侧,光照探针排列为两层,一些低至地面,另一些高于地面,因此它们一起形成由大量单个四面体组成的一个 3D 体积。这是一种良好的布局。

The left image shows a bad choice of Light Probe positions, because there is no height to the volume defined by the Light Probes. The right image shows a good choice of Light Probe positions.
The left image shows a bad choice of Light Probe positions, because there is no height to the volume defined by the Light Probes. The right image shows a good choice of Light Probe positions.

Light Probe placement for real-time global illumination

Enlighten Realtime Global Illumination makes it possible for moving lights to cast dynamically bounced light on static GameObjects.

When you use Light Probes along with Enlighten Realtime Global Illumination, it is also possible for moving lights to cast dynamic bounced light on moving GameObjects. The quality of the resulting lighting depends on how your Light Probes are positioned, and therefore it is important to position them carefully.

A Light Probe captures the indirect lighting at its position in space. In order to faithfully capture the lighting environment, you must place more probes in areas where you expect more variation in the lighting. For example, you may need many probes in areas with moving lights or many occluders. In areas with little or no lighting variation, you can place fewer probes to save on memory and computation resources.

Normally only a few Light Probes are needed in large areas of static light. However, if you plan to have moving lights within this area of static light, and you want moving objects to receive accurate bounced light from these moving lights, you need a dense network of Light Probes within this area to provide sufficient accuracy. The size and range of your lights, how fast these lights move, and the size(s) of the moving objects receiving dynamic light determine how you space your Light Probes.




This image shows poor Light Probe placement. There are no Light Probes in the dark area between the two lamps, so the dark area is not included in the interpolation at all.
This image shows poor Light Probe placement. There are no Light Probes in the dark area between the two lamps, so the dark area is not included in the interpolation at all.





The ambulance now takes on the darker lighting in the centre of the Scene, as desired.
The ambulance now takes on the darker lighting in the centre of the Scene, as desired.


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  • 光照探针:技术信息