Custom Unity type that can be awaited and used as an async return type in the C# asynchronous programming model.
is usually a preferable alternative to .NET Task
for asynchronous code in Unity. It's important, however, to know the differences between the two. Most notably, instances of the `Awaitable` class are pooled and therefore not safe to await
multiple times in the same method.
For more information, refer to Asynchronous programming with the Awaitable class in the Manual.
private async Awaitable DoSomethingAsync() { await LoadSceneAsync("SomeScene"); await SomeApiReturningATask(); await Awaitable.NextFrameAsync(); // <...> }
IsCompleted | Indicates if the awaitable has run to completion. |
Cancel | Cancels the awaitable. If the awaitable is being awaited, the awaiter receives a System.OperationCanceledException. |
BackgroundThreadAsync | Resumes execution on a ThreadPool background thread. Completes immediately when called from a background thread. |
EndOfFrameAsync | Resumes execution after all Unity subsystems have run for the current frame. |
FixedUpdateAsync | Resumes execution on the next fixed update frame. |
FromAsyncOperation | Creates an Awaitable from an existing AsyncOperation object. |
MainThreadAsync | Resumes execution on the Unity main thread. Completes immediately when called from the main thread. |
NextFrameAsync | Resumes execution on the next frame. |
WaitForSecondsAsync | Resumes execution after the specified number of seconds. |