
class in Unity.Android.Gradle.Manifest


Inherits from:Unity.Android.Gradle.Manifest.BaseAttributesContainer


The attributes container for the <activity> element.


AllowEmbeddedThe C# definition of the android:allowEmbedded Android Manifest attribute.
AllowTaskReparentingThe C# definition of the android:allowTaskReparenting Android Manifest attribute.
AlwaysRetainTaskStateThe C# definition of the android:alwaysRetainTaskState Android Manifest attribute.
AutoRemoveFromRecentsThe C# definition of the android:autoRemoveFromRecents Android Manifest attribute.
BannerThe C# definition of the android:banner Android Manifest attribute.
ClearTaskOnLaunchThe C# definition of the android:clearTaskOnLaunch Android Manifest attribute.
ColorModeThe C# definition of the android:colorMode Android Manifest attribute.
ConfigChangesThe C# definition of the android:configChanges Android Manifest attribute.
DirectBootAwareThe C# definition of the android:directBootAware Android Manifest attribute.
DocumentLaunchModeThe C# definition of the android:documentLaunchMode Android Manifest attribute.
EnabledThe C# definition of the android:enabled Android Manifest attribute.
ExcludeFromRecentsThe C# definition of the android:excludeFromRecents Android Manifest attribute.
ExportedThe C# definition of the android:exported Android Manifest attribute.
FinishOnTaskLaunchThe C# definition of the android:finishOnTaskLaunch Android Manifest attribute.
HardwareAcceleratedThe C# definition of the android:hardwareAccelerated Android Manifest attribute.
IconThe C# definition of the android:icon Android Manifest attribute.
ImmersiveThe C# definition of the android:immersive Android Manifest attribute.
LabelThe C# definition of the android:label Android Manifest attribute.
LaunchModeThe C# definition of the android:launchMode Android Manifest attribute.
LockTaskModeThe C# definition of the android:lockTaskMode Android Manifest attribute.
MaxAspectRatioThe C# definition of the android:maxAspectRatio Android Manifest attribute.
MaxRecentsThe C# definition of the android:maxRecents Android Manifest attribute.
MultiprocessThe C# definition of the android:multiprocess Android Manifest attribute.
NameThe C# definition of the android:name Android Manifest attribute.
NoHistoryThe C# definition of the android:noHistory Android Manifest attribute.
ParentActivityNameThe C# definition of the android:parentActivityName Android Manifest attribute.
PermissionThe C# definition of the android:permission Android Manifest attribute.
PersistableModeThe C# definition of the android:persistableMode Android Manifest attribute.
ProcessThe C# definition of the android:process Android Manifest attribute.
RelinquishTaskIdentityThe C# definition of the android:relinquishTaskIdentity Android Manifest attribute.
ResizeableActivityThe C# definition of the resizeableActivity Android Manifest attribute.
ScreenOrientationThe C# definition of the android:screenOrientation Android Manifest attribute.
ShowForAllUsersThe C# definition of the android:showForAllUsers Android Manifest attribute.
StateNotNeededThe C# definition of the android:stateNotNeeded Android Manifest attribute.
SupportsPictureInPictureThe C# definition of the supportsPictureInPicture Android Manifest attribute.
TaskAffinityThe C# definition of the android:taskAffinity Android Manifest attribute.
ThemeThe C# definition of the android:theme Android Manifest attribute.
UiOptionsThe C# definition of the android:uiOptions Android Manifest attribute.
WindowSoftInputModeThe C# definition of the android:windowSoftInputMode Android Manifest attribute.

Inherited Members


ToolsNodeThe C# definition of the tools:node Android Manifest attribute.
ToolsRemoveThe C# definition of the tools:remove Android Manifest attribute.
ToolsReplaceThe C# definition of the tools:replace Android Manifest attribute.
ToolsSelectorThe C# definition of the tools:selector Android Manifest attribute.
ToolsStrictThe C# definition of the tools:strict Android Manifest attribute.

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