Property |
Description |
allPositionsWithin | A RectInt.PositionCollection that contains all positions within the RectInt. |
center | Center coordinate of the rectangle. |
height | Height of the rectangle. |
max | The upper right corner of the rectangle; which is the maximal position of the rectangle along the x- and y-axes, when it is aligned to both axes. |
min | The lower left corner of the rectangle; which is the minimal position of the rectangle along the x- and y-axes, when it is aligned to both axes. |
position | Returns the position (x, y) of the RectInt. |
size | Returns the width and height of the RectInt. |
width | Width of the rectangle. |
x | Left coordinate of the rectangle. |
xMax | Shows the maximum X value of the RectInt. |
xMin | Shows the minimum X value of the RectInt. |
y | Top coordinate of the rectangle. |
yMax | Shows the maximum Y value of the RectInt. |
yMin | Show the minimum Y value of the RectInt. |