
struct in UnityEngine


Implemented in:UnityEngine.CoreModule


Rendering parameters used by various rendering functions.


Property Description
cameraThe camera used for rendering. If set to null (default) renders for all cameras.
instanceIDThe instance ID of the GameObject that issues the draw. Provide an instanceID to make a rendered GameObject pickable in the scene view when you click on it. The default value is 0, which means that you can't pick or outline the procedural GameObject in the scene view.
layerLayer used for rendering. Layer to use.
lightProbeProxyVolumeLight Probe Proxy Volume (LPPV) used for rendering.
lightProbeUsageThe type of light probe usage.
materialMaterial used for rendering.
matPropsMaterial properties used for rendering.
motionVectorModeMotion vector mode used for rendering.
overrideSceneCullingMaskUses the RenderParams.sceneCullingMask property to specify a custom SceneCullingMasks. This property is only available in the Editor, you can still access it in a Player but it'll be ignored.
receiveShadowsDescripes if the rendered geometry should receive shadows.
reflectionProbeUsageThe type of reflection probe used for rendering.
rendererPriorityRenderer priority.
renderingLayerMaskRenderer layer mask used for rendering.
sceneCullingMaskOverrides the scene culling mask for the rendered object. This can help you control prefab stage visibility or entities sub-scene visibiliy. This property is only available in the Editor, you can still access it in a Player but it'll be ignored..
shadowCastingModeDescribes if geometry should cast shadows.
worldBoundsDefines world space bounds for the geometry. Used to cull and sort the rendered geometry.


Constructor Description

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