
struct in Unity.Profiling


Implemented in:UnityEngine.CoreModule


Records the Profiler metric data that a Profiler marker or counter produces.

Use ProfilerRecorder to access performance metrics that the Profiler exposes. You can use it to read Profiler counter data such as memory or render statistics, and Profiler marker timing data in a uniform way.

You can use this API in Editor and Player builds, including Release Players. Use ProfilerRecorderHandle.GetAvailable to get the full list of supported metrics. For a list of built-in Profiler markers available, see the User Manual documentation on Common Profiler markers.

The following example demonstrates how you can use ProfilerRecorder to get memory and timing statistics.

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using Unity.Profiling;
using UnityEngine;

public class ExampleScript : MonoBehaviour { string statsText; ProfilerRecorder systemMemoryRecorder; ProfilerRecorder gcMemoryRecorder; ProfilerRecorder mainThreadTimeRecorder;

static double GetRecorderFrameAverage(ProfilerRecorder recorder) { var samplesCount = recorder.Capacity; if (samplesCount == 0) return 0;

double r = 0; unsafe { var samples = stackalloc ProfilerRecorderSample[samplesCount]; recorder.CopyTo(samples, samplesCount); for (var i = 0; i < samplesCount; ++i) r += samples[i].Value; r /= samplesCount; }

return r; }

void OnEnable() { systemMemoryRecorder = ProfilerRecorder.StartNew(ProfilerCategory.Memory, "System Used Memory"); gcMemoryRecorder = ProfilerRecorder.StartNew(ProfilerCategory.Memory, "GC Reserved Memory"); mainThreadTimeRecorder = ProfilerRecorder.StartNew(ProfilerCategory.Internal, "Main Thread", 15); }

void OnDisable() { systemMemoryRecorder.Dispose(); gcMemoryRecorder.Dispose(); mainThreadTimeRecorder.Dispose(); }

void Update() { var sb = new StringBuilder(500); sb.AppendLine($"Frame Time: {GetRecorderFrameAverage(mainThreadTimeRecorder) * (1e-6f):F1} ms"); sb.AppendLine($"GC Memory: {gcMemoryRecorder.LastValue / (1024 * 1024)} MB"); sb.AppendLine($"System Memory: {systemMemoryRecorder.LastValue / (1024 * 1024)} MB"); statsText = sb.ToString(); }

void OnGUI() { GUI.TextArea(new Rect(10, 30, 250, 50), statsText); } }

ProfilerRecorder allocates unmanaged resources and implements IDisposable interface. Use Dispose to free resources when you no longer need to record statistics.

ProfilerRecorder gives you access to Unity metrics in two modes: immediate access to a value of a counter, and the counter value when the frame ends. Additional resources: CurrentValue, LastValue, GetSample, ProfilerRecorderHandle.GetAvailable.


CapacityMaximum amount of samples ProfilerRecorder can capture.
CountCollected samples count.
CurrentValueGets current value of the Profiler metric.
CurrentValueAsDoubleGets current value of the Profiler metric as double value.
DataTypeValue data type of the Profiler metric.
IsRunningIndicates if ProfilerRecorder is attached to the Profiler metric.
LastValueGets the last value collected by the ProfilerRecorder.
LastValueAsDoubleGets the last value collected by the ProfilerRecorder as double.
UnitTypeUnit type.
ValidIndicates whether ProfilerRecorder is associated with a valid Profiler marker or counter.
WrappedAroundIndicates if ProfilerRecorder capacity has been exceeded.


ProfilerRecorderConstructs ProfilerRecorder instance with a Profiler metric name and category.

Public Methods

CopyToCopies collected samples to the destination array.
DisposeReleases unmanaged instance of the ProfilerRecorder.
GetSampleGets sample data.
ResetStops data collection and clears collected samples.
StartStart data collection.
StopStops data collection.
ToArrayUse to convert collected samples to an array.

Static Methods

StartNewInitialize a new instance of ProfilerRecorder and start data collection.

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