Base class from which EditorToolAttribute and EditorToolContextAttribute inherit.
defaultPriority | The default value for ToolAttribute.toolPriority and ToolAttribute.variantPriority. Specify a priority lower than this value to display a tool before the default entries, or specify a higher value to display it after the default entries. |
displayName | 在菜单中显示的名称。 |
targetContext | If provided, the EditorTool will only be made available when the ToolManager.activeContextType is equal to targetContext. |
targetType | Set to the type that this EditorTool or EditorToolContext can edit. Set to null if the tool is not specific to a Component and should be available at any time. |
toolPriority | Tool priority defines the order that tools are displayed in within the Tools Overlay. |
variantGroup | Tool variants are used to group logically similar tools into a single button in the Tools Overlay. |
variantPriority | The variant priority defines the order that tools are displayed in when they are displayed in a ToolAttribute.variantGroup dropdown. |