此结构保存单个 blit 操作的数据。
destRect | 要作为 blit 操作目标的目标矩形区域。 |
foveatedRenderingInfo | A pointer to a native struct containing platform-specific data for foveated rendering. |
srcHdrColorGamut | The ColorGamut of the source texture if srcHdrEncoded is true. |
srcHdrEncoded | Specifies whether the source texture is encoded for use with an HDR display and might require decoding during the blit process. |
srcHdrMaxLuminance | The maximum luminance in nits of the encoding used for the source texture if srcHdrEncoded is true. |
srcRect | 要作为 blit 操作源的源矩形区域。 |
srcTex | 要作为 blit 操作源的源渲染纹理。 |
srcTexArraySlice | 描述源纹理所需的数组切片。Texture2D 将具有数组切片 1。 |