Version: Unity 6 (6000.0)
Language : English
Enable GPU occlusion culling in URP
Optimize for untethered XR devices in URP

Adjust settings to improve performance in URP

If the performance of your Universal Render PipelineA series of operations that take the contents of a Scene, and displays them on a screen. Unity lets you choose from pre-built render pipelines, or write your own. More info
See in Glossary
(URP) project seems slow, you can adjust settings to increase performance.

Based on your analysis, you can adjust the following settings in the Universal Render Pipeline (URP) Asset or the Universal Renderer asset to improve the performance of your project.

Depending on your project or the platforms you target, some settings might not have a significant effect. There might also be other settings that have an effect on performance in your project.

Setting Where the setting is What to do for better performance
Accurate G-buffer normals Universal Renderer > Rendering Disable if you use the Deferred rendering path
Additional Lights > Cast Shadows URP Asset > Lighting Disable
Additional Lights > Cookie Atlas Format URP Asset > Lighting Set to Color Low
Additional Lights > Cookie Atlas Resolution URP Asset > Lighting Set to the lowest you can accept
Additional Lights > Per Object Limit URP Asset > Lighting Set to the lowest you can accept. This setting has no effect if you use the Deferred or Forward+ rendering paths.
Additional Lights > Shadow Atlas Resolution URP Asset > Lighting Set to the lowest you can accept
Additional Lights > Shadow Resolution URP Asset > Lighting Set to the lowest you can accept
Cascade Count URP Asset > Shadows Set to the lowest you can accept
Conservative Enclosing Sphere URP Asset > Shadows Enable
Technique Decal Renderer Feature Set to Screen Space, and set Normal Blend to Low or Medium
Fast sRGB/Linear conversion URP Asset > Post Processing Enable
Grading Mode URP Asset > Post Processing Set to Low Dynamic Range
LOD Cross Fade Dither URP Asset > Quality Set to Bayer Matrix
LUT size URP Asset > Post Processing Set to the lowest you can accept
Main Light > Cast Shadows URP Asset > Lighting Disable
Max Distance URP Asset > Shadows Reduce
Opaque Downsampling URP Asset > Rendering If Opaque Texture is enabled in the URP Asset, set to 4x Bilinear
Render Scale URP Asset > Quality Set to below 1.0
Soft Shadows URP Asset > Shadows Disable, or set to Low
Upscaling Filter URP Asset > Quality Set to Bilinear or Nearest-Neighbor

Refer to the following for more information on the settings:

Additional resources

Enable GPU occlusion culling in URP
Optimize for untethered XR devices in URP