Version: Unity 6 (6000.0)
Language : English
Create a custom post-processing effect with Volume support in URP
Creating a full-screen shader in Shader Graph in URP

Full Screen Pass Renderer Feature reference for URP

The Full Screen Pass Renderer Feature lets you inject full screen render passes at pre-defined injection points to create full screen effects.

You can use this Renderer Feature to create custom post-processing effects.

How to use the feature

To add the Renderer Feature to your sceneA Scene contains the environments and menus of your game. Think of each unique Scene file as a unique level. In each Scene, you place your environments, obstacles, and decorations, essentially designing and building your game in pieces. More info
See in Glossary

  1. Add the Full Screen Pass Renderer Feature to the URP Renderer.

Refer to the following page for an example of how to use this feature:


The Full Screen Pass Renderer Feature contains the following properties.

Property Description
Name Name of the Full Screen Pass Renderer Feature.
Pass Material The Material the Renderer Feature uses to render the effect.
Injection Point Select when the effect is rendered:
  • Before Rendering Transparents: Add the effect after the skybox pass and before the transparents pass.
  • Before Rendering Post Processing: Add the effect after the transparents pass and before the post-processing pass.
  • After Rendering Post Processing: Add the effect after the post-processing pass and before AfterRendering pass.
After Rendering Post Processing is the default setting.
Requirements Select one or more of the following passes for the Renderer Feature to use:
  • None: Add no additional passes.
  • Everything: Adds all additional passes available (Depth, Normal, Color, and Motion).
  • Depth: Adds a depth prepass to enable the use of depth values.
  • Normal: Enables the use of normal vector data.
  • Color: Copies color data of a screen to the _BlitTexture texture inside the shader.
  • Motion: Enables the use of motion vectors.
Color is the default setting.
Pass Index Select a specific pass inside the Pass Material’s shader for the Pass Material to use.

This option is hidden by default. To access this option, click ⋮ in the Renderer Feature section of the Inspector and select Advanced Properties.
Create a custom post-processing effect with Volume support in URP
Creating a full-screen shader in Shader Graph in URP