Managed code stripping
Configure managed code stripping

Managed code stripping and the Unity linker

The Unity build process uses a tool called the Unity linker to strip managed code. The Unity linker is a version of the IL Linker customized to work with Unity. Custom parts of the Unity linker specific to the Unity engine aren’t publicly available.

The Unity linker is responsible for both managed code stripping and part of the process of engine code stripping, which is a separate process available through the IL2CPPA Unity-developed scripting back-end which you can use as an alternative to Mono when building projects for some platforms. More info
See in Glossary
scripting back end that removes unused engine code. For more information, refer to PlayerSettings.StripEngineCode.

How the Unity linker strips assemblies

When you build a Unity project, the build process compiles your C# code to a .NET bytecode format called Common Intermediate Language (CIL). Unity packages this CIL bytecode into files called assemblies. The .NET framework libraries and any C# libraries in the plug-insA set of code created outside of Unity that creates functionality in Unity. There are two kinds of plug-ins you can use in Unity: Managed plug-ins (managed .NET assemblies created with tools like Visual Studio) and Native plug-ins (platform-specific native code libraries). More info
See in Glossary
you use in your project are also pre-packaged as assemblies of CIL bytecode.

For the purpose of managed code stripping, assemblies are categorized as follows:

  • .NET Class Library assemblies: Includes the Mono class libraries such as mscorlib.dll and System.dll, as well as .NET class library facade assemblies like netstandard.dll.
  • Platform SDK assemblies: Includes the managed assemblies specific to a platform SDK. For example, the windows.winmd assembly that’s part of the Universal Windows Platform SDK.
  • Unity Engine Module assemblies: Includes the managed assemblies that make up the Unity Engine, such as UnityEngine.Core.dll.
  • Project assemblies: Includes the assemblies specific to a project such as:

In general, any assemblies in your project that don’t fall under one of these categories are not processed by the Unity linker and are excluded from the Player build .

During a build, the Unity linker processes all applicable types of assemblies and does the following:

  1. Marks root types, methods, properties, and fields according to the root marking rules applicable for the assembly type and configured code stripping level.
  2. Analyzes the roots it has marked to identify, and marks any managed code that these roots depend upon according to the applicable dependency marking rules.
  3. Deletes any remaining unmarked code from the assembly as unreachable by any execution path through your application code.

Editing of method bodies

At the High stripping level, the Unity linker edits method bodies to further reduce code size. The Unity linker only edits method bodies in the .NET Class Library assemblies.

The Unity linker can edit a method body in the following ways:

  • Remove unreachable branches: if statement blocks that check System.Environment.OSVersion.Platform and aren’t reachable for the currently targeted platform.
  • Inline methods that only access fields: replaces calls to methods that get or set a field with direct access to the field. This often makes it possible to strip away the method entirely. When you use the Mono scripting back end, the Unity linker only makes this change when the caller of the method is allowed to directly access the field, based on the field’s visibility. For IL2CPP, visibility rules don’t apply, so the Unity linker makes this change where appropriate.
  • Inline methods that only return a const value.
  • Remove calls to methods that are empty and have a void return type.
  • Remove try-finally blocks when the finally block is empty. Removing empty calls can create empty finally blocks. When that happens during method editing, the Unity linker removes the entire try-finally block. One scenario where this can occur is when the compiler generates try-finally blocks as part of foreach loops in order to call Dispose.

Note: After editing method bodies, the source code of the assembly no longer matches the compiled code in the assembly, which can make debugging more difficult.

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Managed code stripping
Configure managed code stripping