Version: Unity 6 (6000.0)
Language : English
Analyze a render graph in URP
Render Graph Viewer window reference for URP

Use Compatibility Mode APIs in render graph render passes

You can use the render graph AddUnsafePass API to use Compatibility Mode APIs such as SetRenderTarget in render graph system render passes.

If you use the AddUnsafePass API, the following applies:

  • You can’t use the SetRenderAttachment method in the RecordRenderGraph method. Use SetRenderTarget in the SetRenderFunc method instead.
  • Rendering might be slower because URP can’t optimize the render pass. For example, if your render pass writes to the active color buffer, URP can’t detect if a later render pass writes to the same buffer. As a result, URP can’t merge the two render passes, and the GPU transfers the buffer in and out of memory unnecessarily.

Create an unsafe render pass

To create an unsafe render pass, follow these steps:

  1. In your RecordRenderGraph method, use the AddUnsafePass method instead of the AddRasterRenderPass method.

    For example:

    using (var builder = renderGraph.AddUnsafePass<PassData>("My unsafe render pass", out var passData))
  2. When you call the SetRenderFunc method, use the UnsafeGraphContext type instead of RasterGraphContext.

    For example:

        (PassData passData, UnsafeGraphContext context) => ExecutePass(passData, context)
  3. If your render pass writes to a texture, you must add the texture as a field in your pass data class.

    For example:

    private class PassData
        internal TextureHandle textureToWriteTo;
  4. If your render pass writes to a texture, you must also set the texture as writeable using the UseTexture method.

    For example:

    builder.UseTexture(passData.textureToWriteTo, AccessFlags.Write);

You can now use Compatibility Mode APIs in your SetRenderFunc method.


The following example uses the Compatibility Mode SetRenderTarget API to set the render target to the active color buffer during the render pass, then draw objects using their surface normals as colors.

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderGraphModule;
using UnityEngine.Rendering;
using UnityEngine.Rendering.Universal;

public class DrawNormalsToActiveColorTexture : ScriptableRendererFeature

    DrawNormalsPass unsafePass;

    public override void Create()
        unsafePass = new DrawNormalsPass();
        unsafePass.renderPassEvent = RenderPassEvent.AfterRenderingPostProcessing;

    public override void AddRenderPasses(ScriptableRenderer renderer, ref RenderingData renderingData)

    class DrawNormalsPass : ScriptableRenderPass
        private class PassData
            internal TextureHandle activeColorBuffer;
            internal TextureHandle cameraNormalsTexture;

        public override void RecordRenderGraph(RenderGraph renderGraph, ContextContainer frameContext)
            using (var builder = renderGraph.AddUnsafePass<PassData>("Draw normals", out var passData))
                // Make sure URP generates the normals texture

                // Get the frame data
                UniversalResourceData resourceData = frameContext.Get<UniversalResourceData>();

                // Add the active color buffer to our pass data, and set it as writeable 
                passData.activeColorBuffer = resourceData.activeColorTexture;
                builder.UseTexture(passData.activeColorBuffer, AccessFlags.Write);                

                // Add the camera normals texture to our pass data 
                passData.cameraNormalsTexture = resourceData.cameraNormalsTexture;


                builder.SetRenderFunc((PassData data, UnsafeGraphContext context) => ExecutePass(data, context));

        static void ExecutePass(PassData passData, UnsafeGraphContext context)
            // Create a command buffer for a list of rendering methods
            CommandBuffer unsafeCommandBuffer = CommandBufferHelpers.GetNativeCommandBuffer(context.cmd);

            // Add a command to set the render target to the active color buffer so URP draws to it

            // Add a command to copy the camera normals texture to the render target
            Blitter.BlitTexture(unsafeCommandBuffer, passData.cameraNormalsTexture, new Vector4(1, 1, 0, 0), 0, false);



For another example, refer to the example called UnsafePass in the Universal Render Pipeline (URP) package samples.

Analyze a render graph in URP
Render Graph Viewer window reference for URP