Introduction to build types
Incremental build pipeline

Build Profiles window reference

The following sections provide an overview of the Build Profiles window and its settings. Access the Build Profiles window in the Unity Editor from File > Build Profiles.

Asset Import Overrides

To speed up the time it takes to import assets and change platforms, you can locally override all texture import settings. During development, asset overrides can be useful to speed up iteration time by using lower quality assets.

Note: To set asset import overrides for initial project imports, use the Editor command line arguments -overrideMaxTextureSize and -overrideTextureCompression.

Setting Description
Max Texture Size Override the maximum imported texture size. Unity imports textures in the lower of two values: this value, or the Max Size value specified in Texture import settings.

The time it takes to import a texture is proportional to the number of pixels it contains, so a texture size with a lower maximum can speed up import times. It’s recommended to use this setting only during development as the resulting textures are lower in resolution.
Texture Compression Override the texture compression options set in Texture import settings.

Only affects textures that have one of the compressed texture formats.
Force Fast Compressor Use a faster but lower quality texture compression mode for formats that support it (BC7, BC6H, ASTC, ETC, ETC2). Usually this results in more compression artifacts, but for many formats the compression itself is 2 to 20 times faster.

This setting also disables Crunch texture compression format on any textures that have it.

The effect of this setting is the same as if all textures had their Compressor Quality set to a low number in the platforms section of their Texture import settings.
Force Uncompressed Use uncompressed formats. This is faster to import (because it skips the texture compression process), but the resulting textures take up more memory and game data size, and can impact rendering performance.

The effect of this setting is the same as if all textures had their Compression set to None in their platforms’ Texture import settings.
Force No Crunch Disable Crunch compression for all textures. Crunch compression can take a long time, so disabling it can speed up the import process significantly. However, the resulting textures take up more disk space.

Selecting this option is the same as disabling Use Crunch Compression in the Texture import settings for all textures.

Build options

To build your application, select one of the following options:

Setting Description
Build and Run Compile a Player and open it on your target platform. This option always uses the incremental build.
Build Compile a Player, then do nothing. The default build is incremental, except for the first build, which is always a full non-incremental clean build.
Clean build Create a clean, non-incremental build.
Force skip data build Skip the data build process. Use this setting to build code changes but skip the process of generating scenes and other non-code related assets.

Note: The Build and Build and run settings are visible only for the active profile.

Build Data

Note: The Build Data section is visible only when using a build profileA set of customizable configuration settings to use when creating a build for your target platform. More info
See in Glossary

Setting Description
Override Global Scene List Select Override Global Scene List to create a custom scene list for your build profile. When selecting Override Global Scene List, scenes are automatically inherited from the global scene list.
Scripting Defines Add custom scripting defines for your build profile. These custom scripting defines are additive and don’t override other scripting defines in your project. For more information, refer to Custom scripting symbols.

Platform settings

Each platform has specific build settings. For more information, refer to the following platform-specific documentation:

Platform Documentation
Android Android build settings reference
iOS and tvOS iOS build settings reference
Embedded Linux Embedded Linux build settings reference
Linux Linux build settings reference
macOS macOS build settings reference
QNX QNX build settings reference
Universal Windows Platform UWP build settings reference
Web Web build settings
Windows Windows build settings reference

Note: For information on build settings for closed platforms, refer to the included documentation in the Unity installer of each closed platformIncludes platforms that require confidentiality and legal agreements with the platform provider for using their developer tools and hardware. These platforms aren’t open to development unless you have an established relationship with the provider. For example PlayStation®, Game Core for Xbox®, and Nintendo®.
See in Glossary

Shared build settings

The following build settings are available for all profile types. The values of these settings are shared across platform profiles but not across build profiles.

Note: Updating shared settings of an active platform profile using EditorUserBuildSettings applies changes across all platform profiles. However, updating shared settings of an active build profile with EditorUserBuildSettings only updates that specific build profile.

Property Description
Development Build Include scripting debug symbols and the ProfilerA window that helps you to optimize your game. It shows how much time is spent in the various areas of your game. For example, it can report the percentage of time spent rendering, animating, or in your game logic. More info
See in Glossary
in your build. Use this setting when you want to test your application. When you select this option, Unity sets the DEVELOPMENT_BUILD scripting define symbol. Your build then includes preprocessor directives that set DEVELOPMENT_BUILD as a condition.

For more information, refer to Platform dependent compilation.
Autoconnect Profiler Automatically connect the Unity Profiler to your build. For more information, refer to Profiler.

Note: This option is available only if you select Development Build.
Deep Profiling Allow the Profiler to process all your script code and record every function call, returning detailed profiling data. For more information, refer to Deep Profiling.

This property is available only if you enable Development Build.

Note: Enabling Deep Profiling might slow down script execution.
Script Debugging Attach script debuggers to the Player remotely.

This property is available only if you enable Development Build.
Wait for Managed Debugger Make the Player wait for a debugger to be attached before it executes any script code.

This property is visible only if you enable Script Debugging.
Compression Method Specifies the method Unity uses to compress the data in your Project when it builds the Player. This includes AssetsAny media or data that can be used in your game or project. An asset may come from a file created outside of Unity, such as a 3D Model, an audio file or an image. You can also create some asset types in Unity, such as an Animator Controller, an Audio Mixer or a Render Texture. More info
See in Glossary
, ScenesA Scene contains the environments and menus of your game. Think of each unique Scene file as a unique level. In each Scene, you place your environments, obstacles, and decorations, essentially designing and building your game in pieces. More info
See in Glossary
, Player settingsSettings that let you set various player-specific options for the final game built by Unity. More info
See in Glossary
, and GI data.
Default On Windows, Mac, Linux Standalone, and iOS, there is no default compression.

On Android, the default compression is ZIP, which gives slightly better compression results than LZ4HC. However, ZIP data is slower to decompress.
LZ4 A fast compression format that is useful for development builds. For more information, refer to BuildOptions.CompressWithLz4.
LZ4HC A high compression variant of LZ4 that is slower to build but produces better results for release builds. For more information, refer to BuildOptions.CompressWithLz4HC.

Player Settings Overrides

Note: The Player Settings Overrides section is visible only when using a build profile.

Property Description
Customize player settings Create custom Player settings for your build profile. For more information, refer to Override settings with build profiles.

Note: A link to the global Player settings is available in the Build Profiles toolbar.

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Introduction to build types
Incremental build pipeline