Unity Accelerator requirements
Install Unity Accelerator with Docker Hub

Install Unity Accelerator with the installer

To install Unity AcceleratorThe Unity Accelerator is an external tool that provides an asset cache that keeps copies of a team’s imported assets. The goal of the Accelerator is to speed up teamwork and reduce iteration time by coordinating asset sharing so that you don’t need to reimport portions of your project. More info
See in Glossary
through its installer, select the correct link for your operating system:

Refer to Verify the Unity Accelerator version to verify the installation on a Linux machine.

Open the installer and follow the steps to complete installation.

Unity Accelerator installation wizard.
Unity Accelerator installation wizard.

Important: On the Protocol Configuration screen, disable the Accelerate Unity Collaborate checkbox. This option isn’t supported.

On the final screen, the installer displays the IP address and port number of the installed accelerator, which you can use to configure the accelerator in the Unity Editor.

Run the installer on the command line

On each platform, you can run the installer from the command line. If you execute the installer with an argument of --help, it displays the various options available.

To run a full install without any prompts, provide values for the following:

Command line argument Description
--storagedir Sets the directory for the Accelerator to store files and configurations.
--mode unattended Use for automated installations that don’t need to query anything. This uses default values, or values from other option flags provided.

On macOS, you need to mount the disk image (.dmg) and run the binary located in the installer app’s directory located at Contents/macOS/installbuilder.sh.

For a full list of the command line options available, refer to the Command line arguments reference.

Once you’ve installed the accelerator, follow the information in Configure the Unity Editor to use an accelerator.

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Unity Accelerator requirements
Install Unity Accelerator with Docker Hub