Version: 2023.2
言語: 日本語
Prepare a Mesh for Mesh colliders
Wheel colliders

Mesh collider component reference

The Mesh collider takes a Mesh Asset and builds a collider that matches the geometry of that Mesh. It is more accurate for collision detection than using primitives, and is a better option for complicated Meshes.

Mesh colliders that are marked as Convex can collide with other Mesh colliders.

プロパティ 説明 
Convex Enable the checkbox to make the Mesh collider collide with other Mesh colliders. Convex Mesh colliders are limited to 255 triangles.
Is Trigger Enable this checkbox to make Unity use this collider for triggering events, and to remove the Rigidbody from physics calculations.
Cooking Options Enable or disable the Mesh cooking options that affect how the physics engine processes Meshes. When you set the Cooking Options to any other value than the default settings (that is, everything enabled except None), the Mesh collider must use a Mesh that has an isReadable value of true. For details on Mesh cooking, see Prepare Meshes for Mesh colliders.
圧縮なし Disables all Cooking Options. This is disabled by default.
Everything Enables all Cooking Options. This is enabled by default.
Cook for Faster Simulation The cooking process preprocesses the Mesh data and stores it in memory to speed up run time calculations at run time. This is particularly useful for complex Meshes in the scene. When this setting is disabled, the physics engine uses a faster cooking time, but retrieves the mesh data more slowly at run time. This is enabled by default.
Enable Mesh Cleaning The cooking process attempts to clear the Mesh of degenerate triangles on the Mesh (that is, triangles in which all three points are collinear, and do not form a triangle shape) and other geometrical artifacts. This results in a Mesh that is better suited for use in collision detection, and tends to produce more accurate contact points. When this setting is disabled, the physics engine uses a faster cooking time but implements less optimization. This is enabled by default.
Weld Colocated Vertices The cooking process combines vertices that have the same position. This results in a Mesh that is better suited for use in collision detection, and tends to produce more accurate contact points. When this setting is disabled, the physics engine uses a faster cooking time but implements less optimization. This is enabled by default.
Use Fast Midphase The cooking process uses the fastest mid-phase acceleration structure and algorithm available for your output platform. The fastest algorithm doesn’t require any R-Trees for spatial access. If you encounter midphase issues at runtime, disable this option; Unity then uses the slower legacy midphase algorithm instead. This is enabled by default.
Material Reference to the Physics Material that determines how this collider interacts with others.
Mesh 衝突判定に使用するメッシュ。

Layer overrides

The Layer Overrides section provides properties that allow you to override the project-wide Layer-based collision detection settings for this collider.

プロパティ 説明 
Layer Override Priority Define the priority of this collider override. When two colliders have conflicting overrides, the settings of the collider with the higher value priority are taken.
For example, if a collider with a Layer Override Priority of 1 collides with a Collider with a Layer Override Priority of 2, the physics system uses the settings for the Collider with the Layer Override Priority of 2.
Include Layers Choose which Layers to include in collisions with this collider.
Exclude Layers Choose which Layers to exclude in collisions with this collider.

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Prepare a Mesh for Mesh colliders
Wheel colliders