Version: 2023.2
言語: 日本語
Details panel

Features (details panel)

In the Package Manager window, when you select a feature set from the list panel, the details panel on the right displays details for the selected feature set. The details panel presents the contents of the feature set as a kind of miniature Package Manager window:

For a feature set, the details panel shows a brief description, a link to the QuickStart guide, and a list of included packages
For a feature set, the details panel shows a brief description, a link to the QuickStart guide, and a list of included packages

(A) When you select a feature set from the list panel, its information appears in the details panel.

(B) 機能セットの表示名。 <!– 機能セットのすべてのパッケージが リリース済み 状態である場合に表示名の下に ラベルが表示されます。

(C) 機能セットの名前。

(D) 機能セットを インストール または 削除 するためのボタン。

(E) A link to the QuickStart guide for this feature set, containing details of how you can use this set of packages together.

(F) 機能セットの詳細タブ:

  • Description: A brief overview of the feature set.
  • Packages Included: This tab displays the following information:
    1. 含まれるパッケージのリスト。
    2. The details of the selected package. The information shown includes the display name of the package, the recommended or installed version for the feature set, and its description.
    3. A shortcut to load the selected package in the Package Manager window. Selecting this shortcut replaces the feature set in the list panel and details panel. When you access details from the package directly, the Package Manager window provides more information than when you access them from inside the feature set. For example, the package details view shows dependency information and any samples the package has.


機能セットは、特定のバージョンの Unity でうまく動作するパッケージのコレクションです。つまり、Package Manager は、機能セットが必要とする特定のパッケージバージョンをインストールします。ただし、Package Manager が実際には異なるバージョンをインストールする (リクエストしたバージョンをオーバーライドする) 理由がいくつかあります。

  • Another package or feature set requires a different version of the same package and the Package Manager resolved the package version by overriding it.
  • You requested a different package version and it didn’t conflict with the version that the feature set requires. In this case, a Reset button displays, which you can click to return to the version that the feature set requires (recommended).
    • Note: The Reset button displays only when the major or minor number in the package version changes. The Reset button doesn’t display when the patch number in the package version changes. For more information on semantic version schemes, refer to Versioning.

If the Package Manager installs a version other than the one you requested, an information message explains the reason for the change.

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Details panel