Version: 2023.2
言語: 日本語
Box Collider 2D component reference
Edge Collider 2D component reference

Polygon Collider 2D component reference

The Polygon Collider 2D component is a Collider 2D that interacts with the 2D physics system. This collider 2D’s shape is a freeform edge of line segments that you can adjust to fit the shape of a sprite or any other shape. Note: The edge must completely enclose an area for the collider to work.

Polygon Collider 2D component Inspector window properties.
Polygon Collider 2D component Inspector window properties.
プロパティ 説明
Edit Collider これを選択すると、コライダーの頂点の編集と移動によって、コライダーのジオメトリを編集できます。
Material 摩擦やバウンスなどの、衝突のプロパティを決定する Physics Material 2D を選択します。
Is Trigger Enable this if you want this Collider 2D to behave as a trigger. The physics system ignores this collider when this is enabled.
Used by Effector Enable this if you want an attached Effector 2D to use the Collider 2D.
Auto Tiling Enable this if the Sprite Renderer component for the selected sprite has its Draw Mode set to Tiled. This enables automatic updates to the shape of the Collider 2D, allowing the shape to automatically readjust when the Sprite’s dimensions change. If you don’t enable Auto Tiling, the Collider 2D geometry doesn’t automatically repeat.
Composite Operations Select the composite operation used by an attached Composite Collider 2D component.

Note: When you select any operation besides None, the following properties—Material, Is Trigger, Used By Effector, and Edge Radius—become controlled by the attached Composite Collider 2D component and are no longer available in this collider’s properties.
圧縮なし Select this to have no composite operation take place.
Merge Select this to have this composite operation compose geometry using a Boolean OR operation.
Intersect Select this to have this composite operation compose geometry using a Boolean AND operation.
Difference Select this to have this composite operation compose geometry using a Boolean NOT operation.
Flip Select this to have this composite operation compose geometry using a Boolean XOR operation.
Offset Collider 2D ジオメトリのローカルオフセット値を設定します。
Use Delaunay Mesh Enable this property to include an additional Delaunay triangulation step to produce the collider mesh.
Points 展開すると、生成されたコライダーの複雑性に関する情報が表示されます。
Layer Overrides レイヤーのオーバーライド設定を展開します。
Layer Override Priority Assign the decision priority that this Collider 2D uses when resolving conflicting decisions on whether a contact between itself and another Collider 2D happens or not. Refer to its API page for more information.
Include Layers Select the additional Layers that this Collider 2D includes when deciding if a contact with another Collider 2D happens or not. Refer to its API documentation for more information.
Exclude Layers Select the additional Layers that this Collider 2D excludes when deciding if a contact with another Collider 2D happens or not. Refer to its API documentation for more information.
Force Send Layers Select the Layers that this Collider 2D can send forces to during a Collision contact with another Collider 2D. Refer to its API documentation for more information.
Force Receive Layers Select the Layers that this Collider 2D can receive forces from during a Collision contact with another Collider 2D. Refer to its API documentation for more information.
Contract Capture Layers Select the Layers of other Collider 2D, involved in contacts with this Collider 2D, that will be captured. Refer to its API documentation for more information.
Callback Layers Select the Layers that this Collider 2D, during a contact with another Collider 2D, will report collision or trigger callbacks for. Refer to its API documentation for more information.
Info 展開すると、コライダーの物理演算システムに関する読み取り専用の情報が表示されます。


You can edit a collider’s geometry manually or have Unity generate its shape automatically. Unity automatically generates a collider’s geometry when you drag a sprite into the scene and add a Collider 2D component to it. The generated collider shape matches the outline of the sprite as close as possible.


  1. コライダーのジオメトリを編集するには、Inspector ウィンドウで Edit Collider を選択します。また、シーンビューの Tools オーバーレイからもコライダーの編集モードにアクセスできます。
  2. 既存の頂点を動かすには、その頂点を選択してホールドしたまま新しい場所に移動させます。
  3. 新しい頂点を作成するには、コライダーの形状のアウトラインにカーソルを合わせます。コライダーのジオメトリ上に表示されるドット (点) はカーソルの位置を示しています。ドットをクリックすると、その位置に新しい頂点が作成されます。
  4. 頂点を削除するには、Ctrl (macOS: Cmd) キーを押しながらコライダーのジオメトリのエッジ/辺にカーソルを合わせます (エッジが赤くなります)。赤いエッジをクリックすると、それらを結ぶ頂点を削除できます。
  5. コライダーの編集モードを終了するには、Inspector ウィンドウまたは Tools オーバーレイで Edit Collider を選択します。



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Box Collider 2D component reference
Edge Collider 2D component reference