Version: 2023.2
言語: 日本語
Create and apply a custom Physic Material
Collider interactions

Physic Material asset reference

The Physic Material is a material asset that you can place on a GameObject. The material defines properties on the collider’s surface, such as friction and bounciness.

To create a Physic Material, go to Assets > Create > Physic Material, then drag the Physic Material from the Project window onto a collider in the scene.

If there is no Physic Material set, a collider uses the default surface settings. To adjust the project’s default settings, use the Physics Settings.

プロパティ 説明 
Dynamic Friction Define how much friction the collider’s surface has against another collider when the colliders are moving or sliding against each other. This value is between 0 and 1. A value of 0 means no friction (like ice), while a value of 1 means very high friction (like rubber). By default, Dynamic Friction is set to 0.6.

Unity uses the friction value of both touching colliders to calculate the friction between them, based on the Friction Combine property (below).
Static Friction Define how much friction the collider’s surface has against another collider when the colliders are not moving. This value is between 0 and 1. A value of 0 means no friction (like ice), while a value of 1 means very high friction (like rubber). By default, Static Friction is set to 0.6.

Unity uses the friction value of both touching colliders to calculate the friction between them, based on the Friction Combine property (below).
Bounciness Define how bouncy the surface is, and how much other colliders can bounce off it. A value of 0 means the surface is not at all bouncy (like soft clay), and other colliders lose kinetic energy upon hitting it. A value of 1 means the surface is very bouncy (like rubber), and other colliders bounce without any loss of kinetic energy. By default, Bounciness is set to 0.

Unity uses the friction value of both touching colliders to calculate the friction between them, based on the Friction Combine property.

Note that the physics system’s bounce approximations might still add small amounts of energy to the simulation.
Friction Combine Define how the physics system calculates friction between two colliders, based on each collider’s friction. This selection applies to both Dynamic Friction and Static Friction. By default, Friction Combine is set to Average. For details, refer to How collider surface values combine.
Bounce Combine Define how the physics system calculates bounce between two colliders, based on each collider’s Bounciness value. By default, Bounce Combine is set to Average. For details, refer to How collider surface values combine.

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Create and apply a custom Physic Material
Collider interactions